November 27, 2018

Orquesta Revé
Elio Revé y su Charangon
Mi Salsa Tiene Sandunga
Egrem / Areito 1991




Today’s post concerns a special request by Juan. Orquesta Revé
is one of my favourites as well. It just so happens I recently found
a couple of their records among which this one. Mi Salsa Tiene
Sandunga means so much as my salsa is spicy. Elio Revé Matos
is the father of the Changüi style, his salsa is truly different
from all others. The group is still active today but is being
led by Elio’s son Elito. Saw them in Amsterdam a few years
ago at the Roots Festival, blue skies, outdoor, very nice..

Vandaag een post op speciaal verzoek door Juan. Orquesta Revé
is ook altijd één van mijn favorieten geweest. Toevallig heb ik kort
geleden een aantal van hun platen gevonden waaronder deze.
Mi Salsa Tiene Sandunga wil zoveel zeggen als mijn salsa heeft pit.
Elio Revé Matos was de vader van de Changüi stijl, zijn salsa is echt
anders dan de meeste. De band is ook vandaag nog actief maar nu
onder leiding van Elio’s zoon Elito. Ik zag ze twee jaar geleden op
het Amsterdam Roots festival, lekker buiten, pracht weer, super..

tracks ;

01 – Mi salsa tiene sandunga
02 – Asi soy y que
03 – El secreto de mi charangon
04 – El ibiano
05 – Tremendo chu chu chu
06 – Llego el changüí
07 – Cualquier cantidad
08 – Maria ramos


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  1. Toto 27 November 2018 at 12:53 - Reply

    Hi Moos

    It’s always great to see an Orquesta Revé album posted here.
    I was fortunate be in Cuba in ’89 on a music related trip, a time they were the island’s number one band, and to see them live and in rehearsal on numerous occasions.
    I have very fond memories of my final days in Havana and our farewell party at Elio’s house dancing on his veranda late into the night with an acoustic version of his band playing in the front room.
    Elio was a formidable band leader and a very warm generous man who sadly left us too soon.

    • Moos 27 November 2018 at 16:07 - Reply

      ..that is a wonderful thing to experience Toto.
      Thank you for sharing the story with us..

  2. Juan F. 2 December 2018 at 02:37 - Reply

    Thank you so much Moos!!! you are a gentleman and a scholar.

  3. […] Mi Salsa Tiene Sandunga 1991 Que Cuento es Ese 1988 Changüi 1982 La Explosion del Momento 1987 El Ritmo Changüi Rumberos Latino-Americanos Various Artists – Sabroso! 1989 Wikipedia Discogs […]

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