January 24, 2019

Orchestre Septentrional – Angela
Cosept 1975


Orchestre Septentrional started out back in 1965. This album is
from 1975, ten years later. They were also called La Boule de
Feu d’Haiti. Wonderful name don’t you think ? It is hard to find
a whole lot of information about the group so we’ll have to settle
for listening to the music instead. Orchestral compas gets better
the more you listen to it. I challenge you to give it a try ..

Orchestre Septentrional begon lang geleden in 1965, deze plaat is
van tien jaar later dus uit 1975. Ze werden ook wel La Boule de Feu
d’Haiti genoemd, een prachtige naam vind je ook niet ? Het is tamelijk
lastig veel informatie over de band te vinden dus we zullen het met
luisteren moeten doen. Orkestrale compas wordt alsmaar beter hoe
meer je er naar luistert. Ik daag je uit, probeer het eens..

tracks ;

01 – Caporal
02 – Ca bel ampil
03 – Desillusion
04 – Affections
05 – Ti carmen
06 – Angela
07 – Ou se canaille
08 – Bon anniversaire
09 – Suspan pale
10 – Pinga bouriueque la


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One Comment

  1. Zaphe Lafitte 24 January 2019 at 14:07 - Reply

    Thanks for posting these.
    Just want to add that Orchestre Septentrional was actually founded in 1948, the band is till active and just celebrated 70th year last year. La Boule de Feu is one of the oldest orchestra from the Caribbean still active today, original from Cap-Haitien (north coast city from Haiti) at least 44 recorded albums, other collaborations not included. Excellent music and considered a patrimoine of the country.

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