March 5, 2019

Bobby Bland – The Soul of The Man
MCA Records 1980


I was listening some old soul records to play in my buddy’s record store
on Record Store Day in april to come when I stumbled on this one.
What a huge impact it had after such a long time not playing it.
Bobby Bland’s ‘The Soul of The Man’ is a killer without a filler ..
originally released in 1966.

“Once in a lifetime an artist is able to emote…to project the power
and beauty…to share the innermost depth and passion of himself
…with a listener. Rarely is the occasion opportune for such powerfully
communicative communion, amd even rarer is the miracle that it could
be captured on a record. …” ( sleeve notes )

Ik was wat oude soul platen aan het luisteren om te draaien op Record Store
Day in de platenzaak van mijn vriend Gerard half april a.s., toen ik op deze
stuitte. Wat een machtig mooie elpee en wat een verpletterende indruk maakte
hij, ik had hem jaren niet gehoord. Bobby Bland’s ‘The Soul of The Man, wat
een killer .. Oorspronkelijk uitgebracht in 1966.

tracks ;

01 – I can’t stop
02 – Back in the same old bag
03 – Deep in my soul
04 – Reach right out
05 – Ain’t nobody’s business
06 – Fever
07 – Too late for tears
08 – Let’s get together
09 – Soul stretch
10 – Dear bobby (the note)
11 – Playgirl


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  1. Geoff 5 March 2019 at 20:15 - Reply

    Thanks for posting this – I used to have a copy but haven’t heard it in years. Like you, I’ve been listening to Bobby Bland a lot for some reason. I think I might have played Two Steps from the Blues more than any other record over the years but not so much recently until I dug out my copy the other week and it’s been on replay since. It’s such a great set. Also been playing Magic Sam’s West Side Soul a lot – there’s something about that mid-sixties soul/blues sound.

    Bobby Bland was always so under-rated and maybe now is being forgotten. I read an article the other day that said something about “Eric Clapton’s signature tune Further On Up the Road” – it is sort off sickening that this racist black-and-white minstrel is now getting credit for one of Bobby’s biggest hits.

  2. Peacenik 9 March 2019 at 04:59 - Reply

    I have some other Bobby Bland from the era, but not this one. Thank you so much, it’s excellent. The music and overall vibe feel timeless.

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