March 16, 2019

Nigerian Week, day 6
Admiral Dele Abiodun & his Top Hitters International
‘Oro Ayo’, Adawa Super Records 1985



Number six in our Nigerian Week is for Admiral Dele Abiodun.
After twelve of his albums so far it is a clear thing that every-
body agrees about, Dele Abiodun’s guitar work is astonishing.
Today’s record is from 1985 and rocks fantasticly. Take track
two, its titlesong, a straight killer. Let Admiral Dele Abiodun
lead the way, get it, listen to it and spread it like usual ..

Nummer zes in onze Nigeriaanse Week is voor Admiral Dele
Abiodun. Na twaalf van zijn platen tot dusver is iedereen het
er wel over eens, Dele Abiodun’s gitaar sound is van exeptionele
klasse. Vandaag, een elpee uit 1985 die geweldig rockt. Neem nu
track nummer twee, de titelsong, een regelrechte hit. Laat admiraal
Dele Abiodun je de weg wijzen, pak, luister en deel als altijd ..

tracks ;

01 – Oro ti mo raye so toyi
—–Ero ota
—–Okan re l’olorun re
02 – Oro ayo
—–Oloju come & do
03 – Confrontation
—–Ileri aja lori ikoko
—–E je ka finu konu
—– Ogun ajaye
—–A lo mo ko


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  1. […] Oro Ayo from 1985 Adawa Sound Super 3 from 1975 For Better For Worse from 1980 Mo Kepe Oluwa from 1979 & his Top Hitters Band from 1978 Special G’esin Ni Kese from 1980 1000 Miles from 1982 In the Apple New York City from 1977 & his Top Hitters Band Super 6 from 1977 Adawa Super Sound from 1985 Elemu Nget On from 1978 It’s Time For Juju from 1984 .. and his Top Hitters Band from 19?? Discogs Discography […]

  2. Sjef 16 July 2019 at 16:50 - Reply

    Wow, te gek Moos! <3

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