May 4, 2019

Paulson Afrikhanah Kalu and his Stars 25
International – Nwann’ozu Na Awu Ozu Aru
Polygram FTLP 164

We hadden op een eerdere gelegenheid deze verzamelaar
met een nummer van hem. Vandaag eens een hele elpee door
Paulson Kalu Afrikhanah and his Stars 25 International ..

On an earlier occasion we already had a collector with just
one song . Today we’ve got an album with Paulson Kalu
and his Stars 25 International ..

01 – Nwann’ozu na awu ozu aru
—–Ifunanya, udo n’oganiru
02 – Emenonye
03 – Abiala ha ozo
04 – Chi dube


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  1. Barron Beshoar 7 May 2019 at 23:03 - Reply

    Hi Moos,

    There’s something odd here. I can’t get past the captcha. I’ll try again later.

    Thanks for all your wonderful shares. You do great work!

  2. Barron Beshoar 7 May 2019 at 23:12 - Reply

    Followup on my earlier comment:
    On my last visit I downloaded a week’s worth of posts ending with Ringo. Today this post and all previous posts back to and including Ringo have the same issue: the captcha box will not accept the correct answer. I doubt the problem is on my end, but I will do a reboot before I try again. I’ll check back in a few hours.


    • Moos 8 May 2019 at 16:17 - Reply

      I am sorry to say Barron, but I’m afraid the problem is on your end.
      The files have been downloaded many times, I tried myself as well and found no problems ..
      Hope you’ll resolve the matter , cheers

  3. Barron Beshoar 9 May 2019 at 07:28 - Reply

    The problem is resolved with no action my part. One of the mysteries of the interwebs, I guess. Thanks for taking a look at it, Moos.

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