May 26, 2019

the Heart of Soweto – Various Artists
Shanachie 1987

Always hot and jivin’ on your summer night party is the music
of Soweto. This album features Mbaqanga, Shangaan and
Tsonga Jive and keeps you going without a break. Dance
your socks off the Zulu way, get it, spread it & listen ..

Altijd raak, deze hete Soweto klanken die je zomer avond feestje
zeker tot een succes zullen maken. Deze schijf biedt Mbaqanga,
Shangaan en Tsonga Jive, onuitputtelijke swing zoals alleen de
Zulu’s dat kunnen, pak, deel en luister weer ..

Sleeve says / Hoes zegt; 1988
label says/zegt; 1987
I believe / Ik geloof; in 1987

tracks ;

01 – Thomas Chauke and the Shinyori Sisters – Nwana wamina
02 – Mlokothwa – Thathezakho
03 – Amaswazi Emvelo – Jubula mfana
04 – Kati Elimhyama – Bummandi utshwala bakho
05 – M.D. Shirinda and Family – Nsati wa wina
06 – Armando Bila Chijumane – Kamakhala wana
07 – Kati Elimhyama – Siyokushaya kusasa
08 – Usuthu – Waqala ngokwendlala
09 – M.D. Shirinda and Family – Ndzi hkensa
10 – Armando Bila Chijumane – Mashamba
11 – Thomas Chauke and the Shinyori Sisters – Xumaxilqvile
12 – Milokothwa – Yithinamhlanje


One Comment

  1. Chocoreve 26 May 2019 at 15:14 - Reply

    Great album ! Thanks for your great blog !

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