July 19, 2019

Geetee Onwuka – Amaekpu Special
Anodisc 1977

In juli 2016 hadden we de Lucky Brothers Band op het Anodisc
label met een plaatje uit 1979. Vandaag de tweede die we op dat
label hebben. Het betreft Geetee Onwuka over wie ik je verder
niets te malden heb. Gewoon maar luisteren, inclusief kraakjes ..

In july 2016 we had us an album with the Lucky Brothers Band on
the Anodisc label from 1979. Today we have the second record on
that label. It concerns an album with Geetee Onwuka about who
I can’t tell you anything useful. Just listen to it with free crackles ..

tracks ;

01 – Ndukwe
02 – Anti dey cry
03 – Love me
04 – Okofara buru
05 – Ekwute ego oyi ala
06 – Amaekpu special
07 – Enuda kara obi
08 – Obu otu isi eme


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  1. DJ Daudi 23 July 2019 at 06:31 - Reply

    Thanks, Moos. We find wonderful music here.

    • Moos 23 July 2019 at 14:22 - Reply

      Nice to hear Daudi, enjoy listening ..

  2. Tony 28 June 2020 at 16:14 - Reply

    Love it. Thank you sir.

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