August 22, 2019

Kabaka International Guitar Band led by Godwin
Kabaka Opara – Ezi Nwanne
Afrodisia 1989

One of Nigeria’s most succesful highlife bands was ‘The Oriental
Brothers’. It was founded by the brothers, Kabaka, Dan Satch and
Warrior Opara early seventies. Later the brothers all took their own
course and split up in Dr. Sir Warrior & his Oriental Brothers, Godwin
Kabaka Opara’s Oriental Brothers, Oriental Brothers International
Band, led by F. Dan Satch Opara and many other variations. Today
we have an album with Kabaka International Guitar Band led by
Godwin Kabaka Opara. You may find a bunch of related albums
linked below this article. When opening the Oriental Brothers
Face Book page I found the image of the green Oriental Brothers
record which they took from my copy here at the Global groove.
Funny, and it makes one think the brothers don’t own copies of
their own records. (see sleeve damage). One way or the other,
I still think this was one of the greatest Nigerian groups all time ..

Één van Nigeria’s meest succesvolle highlife bands was de Oriental
Brothers. De groep werd opgericht in de vroege jaren 70 door de broers
Kabaka, Dan Satch en Warrior Opara. Later kozen ze elk een eigen koers
en gingen verder als Dr. Sir Warrior & his Oriental Brothers, Godwin Ka-
baka Opara’s Oriental Brothers, Oriental Brothers International Band,
led by F. Dan Satch Opara en vele andere variaties. Vandaag hebben
we een album met Kabaka International Guitar Band led by Godwin
Kabaka Opara. Je vindt nog een pluk gerelateerde platen in de links
onder dit artikel. Toen ik de Oriental Brothers Face Book pagina opende
vond ik de afbeelding van hun groene album welke ze gekopieerd hebben
van mijn exemplaar hier op de Global groove. Grappig en het doet vermoe-
den dat de broers zelf niet alle platen bezitten die ze ooit hebben uitgebracht.
(zie de barstjes in de hoes) Hoe dan ook, ik ben van mening dat de oriental
Brothers nog altijd een van de beste Nigeriaanse Bands ooit zijn ..

Late Florence Mbakwe from 1980
Oriental Brothers International led by Godwin Kabaka Okpara from 1975
Nnedinobi from 1976
Oriental Brothers International led by G. Kabaka Opara from 1976
Kabaka International Guitar Band (led by G.Kabaka Opara) from 1977
Oriental’s Special from 1975
Heavy on the Highlife! from 1990
Ultimate Sir Warrior from 1993
Ndi Ji Ego from 1984
Hapum Mebiri from 1980
Obi Nwanne from 1980
Ihe Eji Aku Eme from 1984
Anyi Abiala Ozo from 1987
My Succes from 1981
Oriental brothers International Band from 1978
Sir Warrior and his Oriental Brothers Band from 1981
Nwanne Awu Enyi from 1978
Oriental Brothers International Band, led by Dan Satch Opara from 1977
Warrior – Ndi Adudu from 1986
Godwin Okpara
All Music Biography
Dr. Sir Warrior Wikipedia
Oriental Brothers Face Book page
Likembe’s post
Discogs Discography

tracks ;

01 – Ezi nwanna
02 – Uwa owu nkeonye
03 – Osinachi


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