September 8, 2019

Prince Nico Mbarga & Rocafil Jazz
Good Father, Rogers All Stars 1977/1981

“Ladies and gentlemen, Prince Nico Mbarga and Rocafil Jazz
present to you ‘Good Father'”, na het onnavolgbare succes van
zijn album ‘Sweet Mother’ uit 1976 bracht Prince Nico Mbarga
ode aan zijn complete familie. Platen als Family Movement,
Lucky marriage, Sweet Family en deze Good Father zijn duide-
lijk pogingen het succes van Sweet Mother te evenaren. Sweet
Mother verkocht wereldwijd meer dan 13.000.000 kopieën.
We hadden reeds zestien van zijn albums, het was hoog tijd
voor nummer zeventien. Down, deel en luister ..

“Ladies and gentlemen, Prince Nico Mbarga and Rocafil Jazz
present to you ‘Good Father'”, after the huge succes of his 1976
album ‘Sweet Mother’, Prince Nico Mbarga honoured his entire
family. Records like Family Movement, Lucky marriage, Sweet
Family and this Good Father are clearly made to try and equal
commercial succes of Sweet Mother. Sweet Mother sold over
13.000.000 copies worldwide. We had some sixteen of his
albums so far, high time for number seventeen,
get it, spread it and listen ..

It seems many albums are from 1981, some are and
some are re-issues in 1981 on Rogers All Stars.
Check Discogs fro the original years of release.

the Best of Prince Nico Mbarga and Rocafil Jazz from 1983
Music Message from 1981
Music Line from 1981
Sweet Family from 1987
Happy Birthday from 1978
prince Nico Mbarga and Rockafil Jazz from 1978
No Die, No Rest from 1980
Experience from 1979
Panco juju System from 1986
Family Movement from 1981
Lucky Marriage from 1981
Cool Money from 1981
Sweet Mother from 1976
Free Education from 1982
Decency from 1983
Rocafil Jazz from 1976
All Music Biography
Discogs discography
Yahoo images

tracks ;

01 – Good father
02 – Na my choice
03 – Tobe jehovah
04 – Late madam nneka okonkwo


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