October 21, 2019

Guillermo Portabales – El Carretero,
World Circuit 1996

I first got aquainted with Guillermo Portabales in 1996 through
El Carretero. It was so impressive I started looking for more.
Found some elpees and some other cd’s over the years.
All wonderful stuff I keep playing over and over.
Better listen if you don’t know Guillermo ..

Viva Portabales from 1976
Sones Cubanos from 1978
Discogs Discography

tracks ;

01 – El carretero
02 – Cumbiamba
03 – Junto a un cañaveral
04 – Nostalgia guajira
05 – Tristeza guajira
06 – Yo ta canto puerto rico
07 – Lamento cubano
08 – Guateque campesino
09 – Oye mi son
10 – Al vaivén de mi crreta
11 – Voy a santiago a morirme
12 – Romance guajiro
13 – El amor de mi bohio
14 – El arroyo que murmura
15 – Cuando sali de cuba
16 – Flor de amor


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One Comment

  1. peacenik 24 October 2019 at 22:04 - Reply

    Beautiful son cubano, thanks!

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