November 24, 2019

Celestine Ukwu and his Philosophers’ National
Ejim Nk’Onye, Philips 1975

For your lazy sunday afternoon we’ve got this 1975 album with
the great Celestine Ukwu and his Philosophers’ National. Gentle
and lyrical Igbo highlife. It has this ultra relaxed feel like the sound
of Chief Stephen Osita Osadebe and Ali Chukwumah. Chillin’ ..

Speciaal voor je luie zondagmiddag hebben we vandaag dit zeer
relaxte album met de ‘late and great’ Celestine Ukwu. ‘Gentle and
lyrical Igbo highlife’. Het heeft die ontspannen sfeer zoals de muziek
van Chief Stephen Osita Osadebe en Ali Chukwumah. Chillin’ ..

Igede Fantasia 1976
Ilo Abu Chi 1974
Ndu Ka Aku 1974
Nigerian Highlife Compi

tracks ;

01 – Ejim nke’onye
02 – Ima echi
03 – Ome ife jide ofo part 1
04 – Asili


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  1. Christophe 25 November 2019 at 10:06 - Reply

    Very nice indeed. Thanks Moos.

  2. shagasha 25 November 2019 at 17:41 - Reply

    Thanks for this Celestine Ukwu gem; actually, he was better than osadebe.

    • Moos 25 November 2019 at 23:11 - Reply

      Comparing them maybe was a wrong idea, each had their own ..

  3. gerrit 30 November 2019 at 23:29 - Reply

    Celestine, dat klinkt vanzelf hemels! Dank je wel Moos, voor dit pareltje (ik moet nog luisteren, maar dat kan niet anders…)
    Aloha! en ga door!!

  4. Norio 1 December 2019 at 03:46 - Reply

    Track 03 is lovely, and put me in a trance. Thank you!

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