December 12, 2019

The Mothers of Invention – Absolutely Free
Verve 1967

Tja Gerrit, je zei het al, ik ben benieuwd hoeveel reacties je hierop
krijgt. Alleen jij kon je er nog mee identificeren kennelijk. Dit is echter
geen reden om mijn Zappa revival te cancelen. Het is december en dat
is de maand van nostalgische popplaten hier op de Global Groove. Hier
is dus deel twee in de Frank Zappa en de Mothers of Invention story.
Absolutely Free, een heerlijke uitspatting uit het jaar 1967, luister ..

Yes folks, as blogpal Gerrit already predicted, the first Mothers of Invention
did not provoke any reactions except for his own. Meanwhile we continue
our little Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention revival for it is december,
the month for nostalgic popmusic records here at the Global Groove. So here’s
part two, Absolutely Free from 1967. Enjoy listening .. or not ..

Discogs, the Mothers
Discogs, Frank Zappa

tracks ;

#1 in a series of underground oratorios
01 – Plastic people
—–The duke of prunes
—–Amnesia vivace
—–The duke regains his chops
—–Call any vgetable
—–Invocation & ritual dance of the young pumpkin
—–Soft-sell conclusion & ending of side #1
#2 in a series of underground oratotios
02 – America drinks
—–Status-back baby
—–Uncle bernie’s farm
—–Son of suzy creamcheese
—–Brown shoes don’t make it
—–America drinks & goes home


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  1. mangue 12 December 2019 at 11:36 - Reply

    Never heard, nor was interested to dig into Zappa and his MoI, am more of the “VU-kind”. Now that you posted both 1966/67 albums will give them a listen.

    PS: the first track of this one “Plastic People” might be followed up with a post of something by The Plastic People of the Universe, the Czech band from which some members were jailed in the 1970s, because the souns they produced were not appreciated by the then communist rulers. Later on Havel with friends started Charta 77 to support them, the PPotU.
    Have their “Egon Bondy’s Happy Hearts Club Banned”, the music is weird and interesting, the booklet is absolutely amazing, inspiring and some parts could soon become valid again in some EU-CEE countries…

  2. Max 12 December 2019 at 13:38 - Reply

    Here’s a proud proprietor of ALL Zappa official LPs (and lots of bootlegs…). When I discovered his music sometime in the late ’70s I got really stuck. Listened mainly to Zappa for the next ten years or so…
    and that opened my horizons to all sorts of other musical fields later on.

    I guess this is simply to say that I welcome these as much as most of the rest you share here, thank you.

  3. Anonymous 12 December 2019 at 23:15 - Reply

    Zelfs één van de beste uitspattingen ooit in het rock-gebeuren.

  4. […] Mothers of Invention, Freak Out ! 1966 the Mothers of Invention, Absolutely Free 1967 Time Warp Rebel […]

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