January 3, 2020

le Super Choucoune 70
Ça Chauffe a Cabane Choucoune
Disques Celini 1972

Een van de goede voornemens voor 2020 is muziek te luisteren
uit veel verschillende windstreken. Vanzelfsprekend hebben we
onze lievelingen welke telkens weer langskomen maar variatie is
wenselijk. Zo gaan we vandaag terug naar Haïti en genieten we
een zonnige compas plaat met le Super Chocoune, zij waren hier
nog niet eerder. Op Disques Celini en uit 1972 hebben we dit
album, ‘Ça Chauffe a Cabane Choucoune’. Heerlijke orgeltjes ..

One of the good resolutions we make for 2020 is listening to
music from as many different regions as possible. Logically we
have our favourites that will come back every once in a while
but variety is desirable. Today we are returning to Haïti and en-
joy another sunny compas record with le Super Choucoune, they
haven’t been here yet. On Disques Celini and from 1972 we
find this ‘Ça Chauffe a Cabane Choucoune’. Delightful organs ..


tracks ;

01 – Cabane choucoune
02 – La montana
03 – Toutt coucou
04 – Vielle fée
05 – Cérémonie loa
06 – Arouya
07 – Bam la vie
08 – Solitude
09 – Madeleine
10 – La prière


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  1. Guido Buchholz 3 January 2020 at 20:59 - Reply

    Hi Moos,

    Thx for every music you post. Did you ever check chicha music from Peru. That I a genre we don’t find on your blog yet but is highly recommended from my point of view.

    Cheers from Cologne


    • Moos 4 January 2020 at 07:38 - Reply

      I’m afraid I do not own any records in that style ..

  2. […] for instance. On the other had there is the more orchestral variety played by big groups like Super Choucoune, Meridionale des Cayes or Shoogar Combo to name a few. Another very famous band is this one with […]

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