August 3, 2020

Exile One – Beaucoupd d’Gaz a Bo
Disques Debs 1975

On special request by Mouhamadou today some more
Exile One. From 1975 we’ve got this album which rocks
like crazy. From the first notes it grabs you and doesn’t
let go. Some of the songs are sung in English, one may
like this more than others, I’m afraid I belong to the
latter. Musically performed to perfection ..

Vandaag nog zo’n plaat met Exile One op verzoek van
Mouhamadou. Uit 1975 hebben we dit album waarop
de groep lekker los gaat. Vanaf de eerste seconde pakt
hij je en laat niet meer los. Sommige nummers zijn in
het Engels, de één vindt dit leuker dan de ander. Ik
ben bang dat ik tot de laatste groep behoor.
Muzikaal perfect uitgevoerd ..

Face au Public 1975

01 – Ico vole
02 – Tout’ jeu çé jeu
03 – You’ve lost the battle
04 – On n’homm’ tomber
05 – Vivi les vacances aux antilles
06 – Dem higher
07 – Instant funk


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  1. Mouhamadou 3 August 2020 at 17:49 - Reply

    Thanks for fulfilling this request in a short notice. This was the album I have been looking for for a while. Time to groove to Compas!!!!

  2. Anonymous 3 August 2020 at 18:00 - Reply

    Thank you dear Moos for this nice music.
    If one day you get Bill O Men (The LP with the title African Music), please don’t hesitate to share it with us.
    Have a nice and peaceful day.

  3. Laurent 4 August 2020 at 10:26 - Reply

    Hi Moos,
    First of all, thanks for all the nice music, time and effort you put together here!

    These guys are actually from Dominica (same for Bill O Men requested above), not Haiti.. they was settled in Guadeloupe though.
    Their style is not Compas, but Cadence-lypso ( mix of Cadence and calypso)

  4. Jillem 5 August 2020 at 12:24 - Reply

    Bill Thomas, Bill-O-Men (Digital)

    1st & 2nd album

    1. African Music (Slow Cadence)
    2. Marie-Claude (Cadence)
    3. No, No, No (Latin)
    4. Mon Dieu, ma famille et moi (Slow Cadence)
    5. Cadencing Rhapsody 1st Movement (Cadence)
    6. Grève générale (Cadence)
    7. Paradise Road (Slow Reggae)
    8. Freedom (Slow Cadence)
    9. Pas di ça (Cadence)
    10. Cadence Nova (Cadence)
    11. La vérité (Cadence)
    12. Enlightened Way (Cadence)
    13. Voisine (Cadence)
    14. En enfer (Cadence)
    15. Mantra One (Slow Cadence)
    16. Toi et moi (Slow)

  5. Anonymous 7 August 2020 at 02:32 - Reply

    Bill Thomas is a Trinidadian who settled in Dominica. “African music” has been covered by several artists from the Caribbean and Africa.


  6. jean-luc 12 August 2020 at 23:12 - Reply

    Laurent – as far as I know the album, 2 tracks are Cadencelypso, 1 is Cadence, the others are Soul, Funk and Reggae. If you ask haitians they say Cadencelypso is Compas. As far as Cadence is another word for Antillian Compas.

  7. Ish 24 August 2020 at 03:47 - Reply

    All Gordon Henderson / Exile One albums are great! Thanks for sharing, this is still on the wantlist!

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