October 21, 2020

Star Band de Dakar – Vol. 7
Sonafric 1980

We had a couple of their records in 2008, 9 and 10. Senegalese
music used to appear here more often in those days. About time
to follow up on them. We hear some different styles on this Vol. 7.
Experimenting with tango is something you don’t expect from the
band that usually did afro-cuban and such. Listen to Dakar’s
Star Band on this 1980 album, get it and spread it ..

In de jaren 2008, 9 en 10 hadden we enkle van hun platen. In die
tijd sowieso veel vaker Senegalese muziek. Hoog tijd dus om hier
eens een vervolg aan te geven. We horen verschillende stijlen op
deze Vol. 7. Er wordt zelfs geëxperimenteerd met tango, iets wat
je van deze groep, die overwegend afro-cuban speelde, niet zou
verwachten. Luister naar de Star Band de Dakar op deze plaat
uit 1980. Haal binnen en geef weer door aan je vrienden ..

( So weird, for days HTD didn’t update at all and got stuck
on october 16. Today I posted the Star Band de Dakar
and I see Jillem Posted this yesterday. Strange things
happen and this is pure coincidence. Sorry Jillem, I really
did not see it. Was already wondering
what happened to you ..
Moos )

Bamos Pa’al Monte
Sala Bigue
Adioupe Nar
Dexter Johnson vol. 1

01 – Salam alekoum
02 – En el mundo (Quintero Fernandez)
le plus beau tango du monde
03 – Massani cice
04 – Diolina
05 – Yala manegnou
06 – Bicova


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  1. Moos 21 October 2020 at 09:00 - Reply
  2. Mouhamadou F Ndiaye 21 October 2020 at 14:26 - Reply

    Used to have this record and sadly lost it. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    By any chance, do you have the volumes 4 and 5 as LPs?

    • Moos 22 October 2020 at 23:22 - Reply

      Sorry, I don’t have them ..

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