December 29, 2020

Oliver de Coque and his Expo ’76
in the U.S.A. , Nke Nakpa Onye
Afrodisia / Ogene Records 1988

Ik kreeg gisteren de smaak weer te pakken met die fijne
Oliver de Coque plaat. Meestal doe ik het niet maar voor
de gelegenheid nog eentje vandaag. In 1988 nam Afrodisia
dit album op in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika. Samen
met Ogene Records brachten ze hem uit. Hij heeft wel wat
krasjes maar speelt toch nog lekker. Special thanks gaan
o.a. uit naar King Sunny Adé en Chief Commander Ebe-
nezer Obey. Ik weet niet waarvoor, weet jij het ?

Yesterday I really got in the mood with Oliver de Coque
and that fine record. It is not my habbit to do another
straight away but for the opportunity an exception.
In 1988 Afrodisia recorded this album in the United
States. They released it together with Ogene Records.
It has a few scratches but still plays okay. Special thanks
go out to King Sunny Adé and Chief Commander Ebenezer
Obey among others. I have no idea for what. Do you ?

01 – Oliver de Coque in U.S.A.
—- Ogene makossa
02 – Nke nakpa onye
—- Uwa ozulu onye


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One Comment

  1. Mouhamadou 29 December 2020 at 13:54 - Reply

    I have always been a fan of King Sunny Ade for years, but de Coque is surely something else. His music takes me to another level. Might start to buy a lot of his records soon. Thanks for these 2 LPs.

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