December 28, 2020

Oliver de Coque and his Expo ’76
Ogen Sound Super of Africa
Opportunity, Olumo 1982

It has been over nine years since we had us an album with
Oliver de Coque and his Expo ’76 Ogene Sound Super of
Africa. Today he returns here at the Global Groove in this
last week of 2020. His real name was Oliver Sunday Akanite,
he made some 93 records. de Coque was taught to play
guitar by a Congolese named Picolo when still very young.
He also was one of the musicians who played on Prince
Nico Mbarga’s famous ‘Sweet Mother’ album. Oliver de
Coque was called Oliver de Coke, Oliver de Fanta,
Messiah of Ogene or Oliver de Identity
(one of his greatest hits)

Het is alweer meer dan negen jaar geleden dat we een van
zijn platen hadden. In deze laatste week van 2020 is Oliver
de Coque and his Expo ’76 Ogene Sound Super of Africa
terug bij de Global Groove. Zijn echte naam was Oliver
Sunday Akanite, hij maakte zo’n 93 albums. de Coque
leerde al op zeer jonge leeftijd gitaar spelen van een
Congolees genaamd Picolo die in Nigeria woonde.
Hij was ook een van de muzikanten op het beroemde
‘Sweet Mother’ album van Prince Nico Mbarga. Oliver
de Coque werd ook wel Oliver de Coke, Oliver de Fanta,
Messiah of Ogene of Oliver de Identity genoemd.
(Identity was een van zijn grootste hits)

Ogene King of Africa 1984
Udoka Social Club of Nigeria 1981
I Salute Africa 1979
Identity 1980
Jomo Kenyatta 1979
My Woman 1986
Engirigbo 1987
Onye Aghana Nwanne Ya 1982
Anyi Cholu Uwa Silili Welele 1983
Messiah 1976
Ife Chi Kwalu Geme (Sound Ogene) 1978
Oje Mba Ewilo 1977
Mark 2 1977

01 – Opportunity
02 – Ajuju ajighi ama agbaba
03 – Ezinifite star united club of nigeria
—- Oganiru kasinma


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  1. Ian Franey 29 December 2020 at 05:55 - Reply

    Always a pleasure to hear from de coque by way of you moos and look forward to hearing this with anticipation. Somewhat tricky to find and very much appreciated. I am reluctant to ask but if you could possibly repost your third installment from dec 2008 (sound ogene) that would put sparkles on an otherwise lacklustre year (your posts an obvious exception). Muchisimo gracias

  2. Ian Franey 29 December 2020 at 20:04 - Reply

    Thanks for responding Moos. The Dec 7 2008 post was “Ife chi…(sound ogene)” from 1978. I’ve successfully downloaded (twice) but when trying to convert using unrar I’m told there’s an invalid character which has only ever happened once before on a chico da silva post. I’m no techie so yo no comprendez. No biggie. Always appreciate the jewels in your crown.

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