February 7, 2021

Gëstu de Dakar – Diabar
Mimi -B-S – 15155-02, 1981

Nederland kleurt volledig wit door de sneeuw vandaag, mooie
plaatjes levert dat altijd op. In de loop van de dag wordt er nog
veel meer verwacht met stevige windvlagen en een gevoels-
temperatuur van -15 º, het begin van een zeer koude week.
Lang geleden dat de winter ons dit bracht .. wat doen we
om wat warmte te realiseren ? Afrikaanse muziek
is op deze zondag de ultieme oplossing ..

De muzikanten van Gëstu de Dakar werken op dit album samen
met enkele kopstukken van Orchestre Ngewel en van Orchestre
Baobab en dat is goed te horen. In het bijzonder Jean Pierre Gomez
wordt door hen bedankt voor de prettige samenwerking. Prachtige
plaat met prachtige hoes, warm je er vandaag aan.
P.S. Het nummer Aduna is zo mooi, hier moet het
oude zijn naam van hebben ..

The Netherlands are coloring white with snow today and that
always delivers beautiful images. During the rest of the day, much
more snow is expected, together with wind and a temperature that
feels like minus 15 degrees, the start of a very cold week. Long time
ago winter brought us this type of weather .. what to do to keep
us warm ? Maybe some African music will do the job ..

The musicians of Gëstu de Dakar work together with some big men
of Orchestre Ngewel and Orchestre Baobab on this album and that shows.
In particular Jean Pierre Gomez is receiving the thank you’s of the
members of this group for the fine collaboration. Beautiful
record and beautiful sleeve to warm you today.
P.S. The song Aduna is so nice, this must be
where the old found its name ..

01 – Djirime
02 – Fonk ligueye
03 – Diabar
04 – Anina
05 – Ndiourel
06 – Ngoulok
07 – Aduna
08 – Borom jouba


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  1. Pete 7 February 2021 at 10:38 - Reply

    Thanks Moos. … Just wondering, since this album says “geen category”, is this from Senegal?

    • Moos 7 February 2021 at 11:58 - Reply

      yep, sorry, I updated it ..

  2. A. 7 February 2021 at 13:19 - Reply

    For the song Aduna you can look at Baobab and Thioen Seck, it’s meaning in Wolof is ‘life’ or ‘world’.

  3. Mouhamadou 7 February 2021 at 13:59 - Reply

    This one got recently reedited with a booklet explaining the story of the band and the album too. Regardless, it’s a great record. It’s a shame that they didn’t last.

  4. Ian Franey 9 February 2021 at 18:09 - Reply

    Yes it is a very pleasant set. It’s been some time since the last senegalese title, always uplifting and distinct. Beautiful cover art too. Thanks Moos, stay warm over there!

  5. ngoni 13 February 2021 at 18:32 - Reply

    Thanks Moos, your rips are always excellent, Aduna I think the best meaning would be “Creation”, with Mouamadou’s permission, in this song they are talking about their thoughts in ancient times, they mention Alboury Njay, the first King of the Wolofs.
    About … the Orchester Ngewel and Orchester Baobab in particular Jean Pierre Gomez, they thank their “elders”, I suppose for their inspiration and perhaps advice, but I think nothing more.

    • Moos 14 February 2021 at 08:21 - Reply

      Thanks for the nice feedback Ngoni ..

  6. Anonymous 28 October 2021 at 14:55 - Reply



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