February 6, 2021

Orchestre Gorom – Senegal Authentic 1977
Sonafric 1977

Soms vind je een plaat die intrigeert, maar waar je niets
over weet of weet te vinden. Dit is er zo een. Liner notes
zeggen dat de componist Yande Codou is. Met zanger
Pape Mboup van Orchestre le Gorom die de nummers
in wolof zingt. De tracks vloeien in elkaar over dus
heb ik ze niet gescheiden deze rit. Het smaakt
zoals het kraakt, luister ..

Sometimes we find an intriguing album such as this one
about which you can’t say anything useful. This is such
a record. Liner notes say the music is composed by
Yande Codou. With singer Pape Mboup of Orchestre
le Gorom who sings in wolof. The tracks go over in
each other without break so I didn’t try to
separate them. With free additional
crackles, listen ..

01 – Yen djigué-gni
—- Siyare na la
—- N’garé sen
02 – Ha yaye bim bam
—- Mariana
—- Dounga kagné lay seyi


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  1. anon 6 February 2021 at 10:29 - Reply

    Thanks for this. Great album. I think this band was shortlived.

    Yande Codou is a big name with few recordings. She released her own music much later in life (in the 1990s) but at this time was the official griot of the president (Senghor, who was a poet himself) and no less than Youssou N’Dour has cited her as a major inspiration.

    Papa Mboup was previously in an early incarnation of Dianomo (before they became Super Diamono) and soonafter was in N’Guewel.

    For those interested in Senegalese music I highly reccomend having a dig thorough some of the treasures of

  2. ians 6 February 2021 at 11:27 - Reply

    Wonderful, many thanks

  3. Anonymous 11 February 2021 at 08:10 - Reply



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