April 3, 2021

Thione Seck – Le Pouvoir d’un Coeur Pur
Thione Seck 1988

The world has lost another wonderful singer.
Thione Ballago Seck March 12, 1955 – March 14, 2021
He started his career with Orchestre Baobab and later
formed his own band, le Raam Daan. Thione Seck was
a performer of Mbalax and next to Youssou N’Dour
and Baaba Maal one of the main artists in the field ..

De wereld heeft een fantastische zanger verloren.
Thione Ballago Seck 12 maart, 1955 – 14 maart, 2021
Hij begon zijn carrière ooit bij Orchestre Baobab en startte
later zijn eigen band, le Raam Daan. Thione Seck was een
vertolker van Mbalax en naast Youssou N’Dour en Baaba
Maal een van de voornaamste zangers in dat genre ..

All Mbalax at the GG

01 – Mane mi gnoul
02 – Diongoma
03 – Yaye boy
04 – Ballago
05 – Aïda soukou
06 – Yeen


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  1. Tim Harrison 3 April 2021 at 11:31 - Reply

    Rest in peace Thione. You have left us so much sweet music to remember you by.

  2. Michael Lion 4 April 2021 at 14:04 - Reply

    Nog een mooie tape gedraaid live in de Melkweg heerlijk.
    Music is the food of love
    Micky Lion

    • M 16 May 2021 at 23:42 - Reply

      Heb je beelden daarvan?

  3. Peacenik 4 April 2021 at 20:09 - Reply

    Thanks for sharing this. I only have his wonderful, expansive Orientation album. RIP Thione Seck.

  4. anon 5 April 2021 at 06:11 - Reply

    Rest in peace. A true great.

    A lot of his albums at Ndiakhass for those interested

  5. sulingman 29 April 2021 at 21:52 - Reply

    Thanks for this! You have any Pape Diouf?

  6. Balakirev 17 May 2021 at 01:19 - Reply

    One of the best. -Incidentally, Moos, a friend of mine in the UK had a second wife (the third wife seems to have worked out) who enjoyed making love to music. Being Russian, she liked Glazunov, Liadov, Rimsky-Korsakov. And she also introduced him to making love to Youssou N’Dour. Well, I don’t really get the Russian crowd, but the galloping rhythms of Mbalax? A perfect match.

    • Moos 17 May 2021 at 06:27 - Reply

      haha, what a funny story Balakirev,
      I must give it a try myself .. ;-)

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