May 10, 2021

Youngsters Band – self titled
Yaa Kumi YKLP 04

Don’t download this one if you don’t like noises !
In our dusty and noisy record section, today this album with
K. Adusei & the Youngsters Band. It has no year of release and
no title. Again a record that sounds quite bad, worn out cover
but highlife we like to hear. Until a better copy pops
up sometime, we’ll have to settle with this one ..

Deze niet downloaden als je niet van bijgeluiden houdt !
In onze krakende platen afdeling hebben we vandaag deze
plaat met K. Adusei & de Youngsters Band. Hij heeft geen jaar
van uitgifte en geen titel. Wederom zo’n plaat die slecht klinkt
met versleten hoes, maar die we graag horen, totdat er
een schonere versie opduikt ..


01 – Wagyegye me
02 – Enam obi so
03 – Emaa pe de
04 – Obesan aba
05 – Owud tirim ye den
06 – Waya bia boa me
07 – Susu se me


cleaned version

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  1. Carl Howard 10 May 2021 at 17:07 - Reply

    Moos, download of this has not been possible for several hours of attempts. I’m talking about attempts during times of day where downloading was never a problem before.

    • Moos 10 May 2021 at 21:50 - Reply

      I’m so sorry Carl, it has been downloaded
      over 60 times in the meantime,
      it should work at a certain point ..

      • Carl Howard 11 May 2021 at 03:40 - Reply

        That’s very weird, because I’m still unable to download it over twelve hours later.
        I wonder if all the incidences of downloads you’re seeing were my attempts, because I easily tried and failed that many times.

        • Moos 11 May 2021 at 06:33 - Reply

          I really hope it will work soon,
          there is nothing I can do to help ..

          • Carl Howard 11 May 2021 at 13:54

            Moos, I resolved the situation by switching browsers… but it’s still very strange!

          • Moos 11 May 2021 at 22:12

            I agree Carl and I regret
            you’re going through so
            much trouble to download ..

  2. Ian Franey 11 May 2021 at 06:14 - Reply

    Somehow the scratches and noises add some authenticity to the mix. I’d like to think this was a well loved record with a dash of time and a smattering of mishandling thrown in (perhaps literally). We mustn’t forget the toll the tropics, not to mention the technological challenges of the times,
    played in preserving the music at all. Thanks for digging deep into the crates!

  3. Anonymous 11 May 2021 at 22:40 - Reply


  4. Kwabena Boakye 13 May 2021 at 13:14 - Reply

    Very simple yet catchy album art. Thank you Moos

  5. Soundpatrol 29 May 2021 at 13:18 - Reply

    Hi Moos, as always – thank you for sharing these wonderful records. I’m working on cleaning this one up and will send you the results. The clicks, pops and thumps should be easy enough to remove however the underlying music is a little muffled and distorted (there’s not much I can do about that as it probably was like that at the time it was manufactured).
    The most important thing is the music but I think this particular record would benefit from a little restoration. I’ll be in touch. Thanks again.

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