July 17, 2021

Original Shleu-Shleu – OSS
SS Records 1975

Succès des Shleu-Shleu à Paris 1972
6ème Anniversaire 1971
Les Shleu-Shleu
Les Shleu-Shleu 1975
Original Shleu-Shleu 1975
Acé Frapé 1973
Toujours le Même 1974
Grille ta Cigarette 1973
A New York 1973
Cé La Ou Yé 1970
Skah-Shah (l’ex Shleu-Shleu d’Haïti) Guêpe Pangnole 1974
Les Super Shleu 1977

01 – La vie chanteur
02 – Observe la cadence
03 – Guede zariyin
04 – 40 en haut 40 en bas
05 – Sandy
06 – Ce verité
07 – Ti goutt pas ti goutt


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  1. Ian Franey 17 July 2021 at 20:44 - Reply

    We love these guys; another cooker from 1975. Appropos after the recent assassination in Haiti; those were better days in many ways.

    • Jean-Luc 20 July 2021 at 12:09 - Reply

      This album was recorded in the USA, this Shleu-Shleu crew left Haiti in 1970. Better days – how to judge that fairly?

  2. Marc 18 July 2021 at 16:35 - Reply

    Hi Moos!
    There is a long time i win a lot of good music with you.
    Today a little present for you, a selection of Malagasy music from the 80’s and 90’s here:

    Thank’s for all

    • Moos 19 July 2021 at 06:40 - Reply

      That is very kind marc,
      tsapiky is very welcome here.
      Thank you so much ..

  3. Pete 19 July 2021 at 07:30 - Reply

    Thanks for this one. By any chance, do you have Ruben Blades – Buscando Americana? All the best, Pete

  4. Jean-Luc 1 February 2022 at 13:35 - Reply

    Moos, het boek van Smith Jean Baptiste is een paar dagen geleden uitgebracht op Amazon “My Musical Journey and Les Shleu Shleu: Smith Jean-Baptiste”.

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