July 25, 2021

Willie Colon & Ruben Blades – Siembra
Fania / Discos Fuentes 1979

Posting ‘Buscando America’, by Ruben Blades, I just discovered
that another album with him has disappeared from the site.
I am sure I have posted this record long time ago. It has vanished
mysteriously somehow. before we became independent this
occurred more often. Please let us know if there are others you
know of so I can re-post. A fine piece of latin music with the great
Willie Colon and his trombone, originally just on Fania ..

Toen ik zojuist ‘Buscando America’ met Ruben Blades postte, ont-
dekte ik de mysterieuze verdwijning van een ander album met hem.
Ik weet heel zeker dat ik Siembra met Willie Colon en Ruben Blades
lang geleden heb gepost. Voordat de GG onafhankelijk werd gebeurde
dit vaker. Mocht je dit van andere platen weten, laat het dan s.v.p.
weten, dan kan ik deze herposten. een lekkere plaat met de grote
Willie Colon en zijn trombone, origineel slechts op Fania ..

Willie Colon, Wikipedia
Willie Colon, Discogs
Ruben Blades, Discogs
Willie 1974
Cosa Nuestra 1972

01 – Ojos
02 – Dime
03 – Buscando guyaba
04 – Siembra
05 – Maria lonza
06 – Plastica
07 – Pedro Navaja


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  1. Pete 25 July 2021 at 16:24 - Reply

    File not found :(

  2. Kurt Sörensen 25 July 2021 at 16:27 - Reply

    “File not found”

  3. Lotero 28 July 2021 at 15:56 - Reply

    Now it is found :-)
    The last song is “Pedro Navaja”, by the way. “Navajo” is a Native American people; “navaja” means knife, the instrument that the hitman of the song used to kill their victims.

  4. Moos 29 July 2021 at 05:57 - Reply

    Thank you for this ajustment.
    I have changed the name,
    also in the file ..

  5. El Profe 29 July 2021 at 18:02 - Reply

    cant think of something sweeter than Buscando guyaba

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