August 28, 2021

Alhaji (Chief) Sikiru Ayinde Barrister
and his Progressive Fuji Commanders
Aiye !, Sik-Oluyole Records Ltd. 1980

For all the fuji lovers in this world, today we find another
album with one of the masters in the field. Enjoy listening
to Alhaji (Chief) Sikiru Ayinde Barrister and his
Progressive Fuji Commanders ..

Fuji Garbage Series III 1989
Fuji Garbage Series II 1988
Ore Lope 1981
Nigeria 1983
Eku odun 1982
Iwa 1982
Military 1984
Ijo Olomo 1983
Fuji Garbage 1988

01 – Destney world
02 – Late alhaji Ayinla omowura
—- Apala fuji system
—- Alhaji azeez amoo


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  1. ians 28 August 2021 at 11:40 - Reply

    Nice one,

  2. Munir Ishola 2 September 2021 at 06:33 - Reply

    Great! One of the evergreen albums of Mr. Fuji.

    I will appreciate if can get us another album of his title “Millennium Stanza”.


  3. Allan 6 June 2024 at 19:44 - Reply

    One side missing here, too, Moos.


    • Moos 7 June 2024 at 07:01 - Reply

      From here I see no problem Alan,
      the album has just two tracks, one per side.
      I find everything as it should be ..

    • Moos 7 June 2024 at 07:22 - Reply

      From here I see no problem Alan,
      the album has just two tracks, one per side.
      It all works as meant

  4. Allan 20 June 2024 at 21:13 - Reply

    Oh, I’ll try tomorrow. Thank Moos.


  5. Allan 21 June 2024 at 06:56 - Reply

    I’m not getting it, Moos. I’ve got 2 tracks; one of them is an MP3 and plays as expected. The other tells me it’s an M3U and this is the message foobar gives me when i load it in;

    Unable to open item for playback (Object not found):
    “C:\Users\Allan Moss\Downloads\alhaji sikiru ayinde barrister aiye\Alhai (Chief) Sikiru Ayinde Barrister and his Progressive Fuji Commanders – Aiye !\02 – Alhai (Chief) Sikiru Ayinde Barrister and his Progressive Fuji Commanders – Late alhaji Ayinla omowura, Apale fuji system, Alh….mp3”

    What software am I supposed to use to play this?


    • Moos 25 June 2024 at 05:03 - Reply

      I just downloaded it myself and I’m playing both tracks in Winamp.
      Nothing seems to be wrong here, they both play as normal.
      Sorry I don’t understand what’s going wrong at your side ..

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