August 18, 2021

Chief Stephen Osita Osadebe & his
Nigeria Sound Makers International
Osadebe ’78
Polydor 1977

Good morning groovers, If you’ve missed the GG posting,
just got back from a small trip. After some 18 months at
home a welcome break. Of course I could not resist to
check some record stores on the way. This is one of the
albums I found. We can never have too much music by
highlife superstar Chief Stephen Osita Osadebe, listen ..

Goeie morgen groevers, als je de posts hier even gemist
hebt, ik ben net terug van een klein reisje. Na zo’n 18
maanden thuis een welkome breek. Vanzelfsprekend
kon ik het niet laten onderweg wat platenzaken te be-
zoeken. Dit is een van de albums die ik tegenkwam.
Van Chief Stephen Osita Osadebe kunnen we nooit
teveel muziek hebben, luister ..

Ife Onye Metalu 1987
Onye Kwusia Olienuya 1983
Osadebe ’76 vol. 2 1976
Chief Osadebe in London 1975
Osadebe 75 1975
Igakam Ogonogo 1982
Obiajulu 1978
Ife Chukwu Kanma 1991
Onye Lusia Olie 1987
Onye Ije Anatogo 1982
Okp’uzo Enweilo 1982
Osondo Owendi 1984
Onye Bili-Ibeya Ebili 1981
Onye Achonam
Ogbahu Akwulugo 1982
Arum Achoro Nsogbu 1979
Chief Osadebe ’77 vol. 1 1977
Makojo 1985
People’s Club Special, 10th Anniversary 1982
Holland Tunnel Dive
one more at wrldsrvc

01 – Atamuna
—- Ogbalu’lu agbaro oghom
02 – Peace movement socials


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  1. Pete 18 August 2021 at 08:49 - Reply

    File not found. Anyways, it will turn up eventually. Thanks for sharing. Out of curiosity, where have you been on vacation? All the best, Pete

    • Moos 18 August 2021 at 09:35 - Reply

      I took my car and drove through Belgium and France .. ;-)
      thanks Pete ..

  2. ians 18 August 2021 at 09:13 - Reply

    File not found
    Good you are back :)

  3. DiJiT 18 August 2021 at 13:54 - Reply

    File worked for me!! Congrats on the trip, and welcome back!!

  4. michael Ryan 19 August 2021 at 08:11 - Reply

    forget the music , did we ? I have not. The brilliant Igbo highlife musician will always be with us thank God.

  5. Kwabena Boakye 19 August 2021 at 13:59 - Reply

    Hello Moos, we are your online family now so was worried when you didnt post in a while but i’m glad you had a good time away. Welcome back and long live the global groove.

    • Moos 19 August 2021 at 20:02 - Reply

      you’re too kind Kwabena,
      thank you so much ..

  6. Ian Franey 20 August 2021 at 05:26 - Reply

    Yes it’s a little lift to each day, a pleasant surprise, a sweet treat to discover a wonderful new post at the groove. Nice to have you back; hope you enjoyed
    the trip, rejuvenating your soul not to mention some fruitful crate digging. PS: can’t go wrong with Osadebe and co. Cheers Moos

  7. Allan 6 June 2024 at 19:41 - Reply

    One side not there, Moos.

    • Moos 7 June 2024 at 07:21 - Reply

      From here I see no problem Alan,
      the album has just two tracks, one per side.
      I find everything as it should be ..

  8. Allan 20 June 2024 at 21:14 - Reply

    Will try this tomow, too.


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