September 19, 2021

A.B. Crentsil and the Super Sweet Talks Int.
Mewo Road
Ambassador 1982

click on it

We already had some records with A.B. Crentsil, personally
I feel this might be one of the best, if not the best one, until
now. No exact date is known, but according to a stamp on the
backsleeve I’m guessing it is from 1982. Songs 1,3 and 4 written
by A.B. Crentsil, songs 2 and 5 written by second vocalist Tony
Mensah. Get it and spread it like you’re used to ..

We hadden al enkele platen met A,B, Crentsil, persoonlijk vind
ik dit één van de beste, zoniet de beste, die ik ken. Geen exact
jaar van uitgifte is bekend, maar aan de hand van een stempel
op de achterkant gok ik dat hij uit 1982 komt. Songs 1,3 en 4
zijn van de hand van A.B. Crentsil, songs 2 en 5 van de tweede
zanger Tony Mensah. Down en deel als altijd ..

All Music Biography

Srekye Duku 1982
with Eric Agyeman, Highlife Stars One 1983
Tantie Alaba (Auntie Araba) 1984
Abrokyiri Abrabo 1986
Eric Agyeman, Highlife Safari

01 – Atea special
02 – Sunsum biara nni ho
03 – I don’t know
04 – Mewo road
05 – Odo ye anigye


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  1. Jewel Ackah Jr 19 September 2021 at 09:59 - Reply

    One of the all time greatest classic Highlife albums from way way back in the early 80s. The Atia Special is a very controversial song from way way back in the glory days of the early 80s. Thanks for posting this album from uncle A.B. Crentsil and continue to have more Ghanaian Highlife albums.

    • Moos 19 September 2021 at 20:34 - Reply

      now that’s more like it Jewell,
      thank you for your feed back ..

      • Jewel Ackah Jr 19 September 2021 at 20:56 - Reply

        No problem I love when you have the Ghanainan Highlife albums from back in the days. They keep me very entertained.

  2. michael Ryan 19 September 2021 at 10:10 - Reply

    A B Classic Atea special .All ghanaians from that era know it and love it.
    Here is still around and performing but a little slower after all he is over 75 years.

  3. Issa 20 September 2021 at 05:58 - Reply

    Thanks a lot for all your great work to share musical gems like this! It seems Mowo Road was originally released in 1979.
    All the best and have a very nice week

  4. sulingman 21 September 2021 at 18:45 - Reply

    Thanks a bunch, this one gets off to a very different start to my ears. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Evan 22 September 2021 at 16:41 - Reply

    Thank you for the opportunity!!

  6. Kwabena Boakye 22 September 2021 at 23:20 - Reply

    Atea special is a very controversial song that highlights the danger of drinking alcohol even though the story is somehow tribalistic.
    There’s a story in Ghana that AB went to the northern region and was forced to perform this song.
    Thanks for sharing this.

  7. […] Mewo Road 1982 Srekye Duku 1982 with Eric Agyeman, Highlife Stars One 1983 Tantie Alaba (Auntie Araba) 1984 Abrokyiri Abrabo 1986 Eric Agyeman, Highlife Safari […]

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