September 29, 2021

African Brothers Band (International)
Tribute to D.K.
Ambassador 1980

Yesterday, dear visitors, the world has lost a legend.
Nana Kwame Ampadu died on tuesday september 28
at 2.00 AM Ghana time, age 76 in Acra, Ghana. Ampadu’s
African Brothers Band was founded in 1963. He was known
to have written over 800 songs. To honour this great musician
we have his 1980 album ‘Tribute to D.K. Nyarko’. It sounds a
little dusty, but that can’t spoil the joy of listening. A few more
unposted records will follow. Rest In Peace Nana Ampadu,
we love your work and you will forever be missed ..

Gisteren, lieve bezoekers, is één van onze muzikale helden
overleden. Nana Kwame Ampadu stierf op dinsdag 28 september
om 2.00 uur ‘s morgens, op 76 jarige leeftijd, in Acra, Ghana.
Ampadu’s African Brothers Band werd opgericht in 1963. Nana
Ampadu schreef meer dan 800 songs tijdens zijn leven. Om hem
te eren hebben we vandaag dit album uit 1980, ‘Tribute to D.K.
Nyarko. Hij klinkt wel een tikkeltje stoffig, maar dat mag niet
afdoen aan het luisterplezier. Nog enkele ongeposte platen
zullen deze volgen. Rust in Vrede Nana Ampadu, we zijn
dol op je muziek en zullen je voor altijd missen ..

(thanks for the info Jewell Acka)


Have African Feeling 1980
Wonka Mma Wo Nnte
Check Point
Odo Me Nsee
Nketenketenkete High Life Beat
Kyerema Way 1981
Oman Bo Adwo
Agatha 1981
Obiara Wo Nea Otumi No 1978
Ankonam Mobro
The Best of Kwame Ampadu
Nea Medofo Aye Me
Wodee Wokoo na Wonuanom
Mede Wo Ka A 1984
Enyimba di N’aba
Owuo Aye Me Bi 1982
Osoro Siane
Afrohili Soundz 1973
Gyae Su
led by Paa Steel Ampadu 1970
Yaa Amponsa Special 1974
Me Poma 1984
Ampadu Boateng Dammirifua
Me Poma (Sterns)
Take the Message

01 – Kyeremirikuku
02 – Ma me nsu ma wo
03 – D.k. nyarko
04 – Owuo nye

05 – D.k. nyarko (cleaner version)


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  1. Kwabena Boakye 29 September 2021 at 09:19 - Reply

    Sad day for Ghana music … Rest In Power to the king of highlife music.
    Nana Ampadu’s legacy will forever live on.

  2. Jewel Ackah Jr 29 September 2021 at 09:23 - Reply

    Extremely sadden by the death of this great wonderful Ghanaian Highlife music legend. I grew up listening to Nana Kwame Ampadu’s music my whole entire life for 39yrs and when I heard about the death of the legend it has really hit me hard. Though the legend is gone, his music will always live on forever. I hope we can have his 1983 Mentumi Ngyaa Wo album and his 1984 Mebesia album on here as well. Many thanks for the good wonderful Ghanaian Highlife albums you have on here, especially the legend’s music.

  3. Pete 29 September 2021 at 10:30 - Reply

    Thanks for sharing. … Just out of curiosity, what is the most expensive record in your collection? All the best, Pete

    • Moos 29 September 2021 at 11:11 - Reply

      I don’t have the faintest idea,
      to be honest, I never looked into it.
      In any case I refuse to pay crazy amounts,
      but some may have increased over the years
      without me knowing of it ..

  4. Dennis 30 September 2021 at 11:12 - Reply

    Thanks for the great sounds Moos, and as ever for all the hard work behind the scenes.

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