September 27, 2021

Captain Muddy Ibe and his Nkwa Brothers ’85’
Ndi Ntise, Rogers All Stars 1984

Today we find the fourth album with Igbo highlife artist
Captain Muddy Ibe and his Nkwa Brothers. This one is
from 1984. He made some 60 records so there is still a
pile of records to find and discover. For now let’s listen
to ‘Ndi Ntise’ and share it with our friends ..

Dit is de vierde plaat met Igbo highlife artiest Captain
muddy Ibe and his Nkwa Brothers die we hebben op de
GG. Hij maakte zo’n 60 albums dus er is nog een dtapel
te vinden en ontdekken. Laten we tot die tijd alvast luisteren
naar ‘Ndi Ntise’ en hem delen met onze vrienden ..

African and Black History

Anyi Ma Ndi Bu Ndi 1981
Muddy Ibe and his Nkwa Brothers System ’83 1983
Ndi Kwena Ekwena 1986

01 – Wealth not by force
02 – Ndi ntise
03 – Omelum me dike


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  1. […] Ndi Ntise 1984 Muddy Ibe and his Nkwa brothers System 1981 Ndi Kwena Ndi Ekwena 1986 ’83 1983 […]

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