September 26, 2021

Nemours Jean Baptiste & Son Super Ensemble
Inspiration, IBO Records 1967

Nemours Jean Baptiste is considered to be the father of
Haïtian compas. He started out in 1955 based in Port-au-
Prince, Haïti’s capital. We had three albums so far, from
1966, 1973 and 1976. Read more about the man on the
sites linked below. During Nemours Jean Baptiste’s early
career he played with Webert Sicot in Conjunto Inter-
nacional. After the latter had started a new style in
a new group the two quarreled over the originality.
They finally fought out their differences in a soccer
match between their bands. It ended in a 1-1 tie.

Ti Carole 1966
Gaçon Nan Ka 1973
Grand Orchestre de NJB 1976

01 – Aoua pipip
02 – Dedette & roro
03 – Lait milki
04 – Vive noel
05 – Petite maman
06 – Mini jupe
07 – Airways compas
08 – Faim’ confiance
09 – Amour cha cha cha
10 – Bas gogo

bonus tracks, 1974,

11 – Ti-ti-ri
12 – Nin frigidaire
13 – Moin pa te la juge
14 – Corruption


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  1. […] Inspiration 1967 Ti Carole 1966 Gaçon Nan Ka 1973 Grand Orchestre de Nemours Jn.Bptst 1976 […]

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