November 20, 2021

Sungura Boys
Tasarira Nhamo
Jabulani / Gramma 1987

John Chibadura and Sungura Boys are in our top 20 of
most downloaded records for a long time. Today an album
with just Sungura Boys. It is from 1980 and rocks like crazy.
A must have for lovers of the style. This one is for Tim and
David, but also the Jukebox Rebel, invite your neighbours
over and have a party ..
P.S. Originally this album is from 1980,
this concerns the 1987 re-issue.

Al tijden staan John Chibadura en Sungura Boys in onze top
20 van meest gedownloade platen. Vandaag een plaat met
alleen de Sungura Boys. Hij komt uit 1980 en rockt als een
gek. Een ‘must have’ voor liefhebbers van dit genre. Deze is
voor Tim en David, maar ook de Jukebox Rebel, kan ie weer
eens een stukkie met de buren gaan dansen ..
P.S. Oorspronkelijk is dit een album uit 1980,
dit betreft echter de heruitgave uit 1987.

Music of Zimbabwe

John Chibadura & Sungura Boys, Kurera 1985
All our Zimbabwe Music

01 – Tasarira nhamo
02 – Shungu dzangu
03 – Kutsvaga basa
04 – Shamwari yangu
05 – Tezvara
06 – Kunze kwayedza
07 – Zviitiko
08 – Nhasi wagarika


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  1. ians 20 November 2021 at 11:17 - Reply

    Wonderful music, thanks for posting

  2. Tamuka 21 November 2021 at 18:27 - Reply

    Thanks so much for this posting. Listening to this album makes it clear why a whole genre of Zimbabwean music (sungura music) was named for this band. Even though it was 1980, they already had the sungura blueprint down pat. The word “sungura” means rabbit in Swahili. In the late 70s, East African music was very popular in Zimbabwe, and the records that found their way to Zimbabwe were from the Sungura label in Kenya. So local fans started wanting local bands to play the “sungura” style, which evolved into the typical sungura genre as typified by John Chibadura and Leonard Dembo.

    The Sungura Boys are to Zimbabwean music what Zaiko Langa Langa is to Congolese music. A lot of musicians passed through them before going to greater solo success. The list of Sungura Boys alumni includes John Chabadura, Simon Chimbetu, Alick Macheso, System Tavida, Nicholas Zakaria (Khiama Boys) and Mitchell Jambo (Zimbabwe Cha Cha Cha Kings).

    Once again, thank you so much for this historical document. This might have been their very first album.

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