December 9, 2021

Okukuseku International Band of Ghana
Okukuseku ’82’ Chartbuster
Muomaife Groovy Records 1982

Chief Koffi Sammy is back today with this 1982 Chartbuster.
At Discogs I did not find it. The album opens a little messy
and has a few tiny pops along the way. Still, it is a nice
contribution to the list of their records so far. Always
a pleasure listening to another Okukuseku ..

Chief Koffi Sammy is terug vandaag met deze Chartbuster
uit 1982. Op Discogs heb ik hem niet gevonden. De plaat
opent ietwat rommelig en ook gaandeweg heeft ie enkel
kleine bumps. Evenzogoed is het een welkome toevoeging
aan de lijst met albums die we al van hem hadden. Luister
weer met plezier naar Okukuseku ..


Kedu? Odinma 1978
Pay the Boy Now 1987
Odô Yéwü 1981
I Need Work 1988
wth Kyeremateng Atwede
Mind Your Own Business 1981
Okponku Special 1978
Okukuseku International vol. 3 1978
Sisa Mi Sebre Mami 1984
Yebre Ama Owou 1981
Okukuseku Band of Ghana 1979
Take Time 1982
Nyame Nnae 1981
Black Beauty 1983
Bosoe Special

01 – Entuwo a do
02 – Bye bye okponku part II
03 – Owuo aye me bone
04 – Odo ye wue part II


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  1. Jewel Ackah Jr 9 December 2021 at 10:52 - Reply

    Love when you have the old school Ghanainan classic Highlife albums, they always make me happy when I listen to them. Thank you for these
    super rare classic Ghanainan Highlife albums.

  2. Pete 9 December 2021 at 17:23 - Reply

    Thanks Moos. I`m curious, 2 songs are “Part II”. Where can I find “Part I” of them? All the best, Pete

  3. Chisom okolie 10 December 2021 at 14:10 - Reply

    Globalgroovers please post Oriental brothers international band Album Chukwu Nwe Anyi let us download it from Surulere Lagos Nigeria

    • Moos 10 December 2021 at 15:17 - Reply

      I have told you before Chisom,
      I don’t like your tone of voice.
      Learn some good manners mate.
      btw, I do not have that album ..

  4. Chisom okolie 10 December 2021 at 17:08 - Reply

    Am Sorry Sir please forgive me

  5. Chisom okolie 10 December 2021 at 17:15 - Reply

    Globalgroovers you know i use to download ur New Highlife and Nigeria music any time New Album use to come out on globalgroovers. Please if you have Raphael Amarabem Were Were Album put it in Globalgroovers thanks God bless you.

    • Moos 11 December 2021 at 07:52 - Reply

      Now that sounds quite different Chisom,
      you are welcome to ask everything,
      I am sorry I do not have Rapael Amarabem, Were Were ..

  6. Chisom okolie 11 December 2021 at 10:37 - Reply

    Good day Moos is me chisom once again pls is not that i like disturbing u Globalgroovers is just that i like Highlife Music but i want Moos to post Ali Chukwuma ife oma di Nma Album pls Globalgroovers as this year is coming to an End God bless you.

  7. john farley 16 December 2021 at 05:17 - Reply

    Moos, hello. I’m following up on the comments re the ClickRepair software. Over many years I have ripped 2500 albums, 400 singles and most recently, 300 classical albums I picked up cheap from the local tip shop. I always clean them before ripping but I always end up with pops & clicks. I can happily ignore them because listening to the music is the important factor. But the classical albums seem to have more than their share! I suppose I should have done so before but I never thought of looking for software to remove them until I saw ClickRepair mentioned on your site recently. I downloaded the software and tried it with the default settings. I was stunned with the results. Removing the pops & clicks then reveals the worn grooves, rumble(?) and other imperfections but c’est la vie. The software comes with a 21 day trial but one cannot buy a license at the moment because the author passed recently. Amazing how individuals can impact so many lives! Anyway it works on wav files only. You mentioned this album was noisy so I thought I’d try the ClickRepair magic on it (and Anibal Velasquez y su Conjunto La Bomba). I converted the files from mp3 to wav using CDex, ran ClickRepair and re-mp3-ed them and the results are in a file on my website and Unfortunately the mp3 tags are gone! I have found a workaround for the 21 day trial until a license is obtainable. There is a ‘batch conversion’ option available but I wasn’t sure whether I could fix all my rips in that time period.Presumably you can see my email address in this post if you want me to do anything to help you. Thanks for all the rips! John

    • Moos 16 December 2021 at 06:54 - Reply

      Thank you very much for your effort John.
      Personally I do not mind a little distortion,
      sometimes however it is a bit too much.
      For me it is a lot of trouble to work all
      my files with clickRepair. I’m gonna leave it
      the way it is. You can clean whatever file you like
      of course. Have a good one John and thanks again ..

      • john farley 22 December 2021 at 07:17 - Reply

        Thanks. I totally understand. I will leave your rips untouched as you’ve given them to the world! I’m retired now so have grown up with scratches and pops on the record. All part of the listening pleasure! But ClickRepair does have some quirks. I enjoy English folk music (being from England originally) and ran it over an album Morris On from 1972 with lots of unaccompanied vocals. It destroyed vocals by John Kirkpatrick but left vocals by Shirley Collins untouched. I then checked the authors notes which said “If the settings are too severe, causing too many false detections. Instruments such as cymbals and brass, and certain types of singing, are among the more difficult music types, and may give rise to such problems”. But still a useful piece of software! John

  8. Chisom okolie 17 December 2021 at 13:15 - Reply

    Hello Globalgroovers i want to Download Pele Asampete Album Pele in London volume one thank you very much as you End the Year with Good igbo Highlife Album.

    • Moos 17 December 2021 at 13:38 - Reply

      I do not have that album Chisom !!

      ..really don’t like you telling me what you want to download.
      the Global Groove is not a jukebox, you can kindly ask if I have
      the album you’re looking for. Further it is just waiting to see
      what I post, reggae, cumbia, son cubano, rock, soul, jazz, blues,
      soukous, benga, semba, lautari, forró, samba, bossa nova, mbaqanga,
      bolero, merengue, vallenato, aguinaldo, salsa, ska, rocksteady,
      …not just igbo highlife .. do you see what I mean .. ?

  9. Kwabena Boakye 21 December 2021 at 10:19 - Reply

    thank you for another great album from Chief Kofi Sammy and his Okukuseku band

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