February 2, 2022

Original Shleu-Shleu
En Filant les Aiguilles
SS Records 1974

Good morning, I just learned through comment by Jean-Luc that
the drummer of the Original Shleu-Shleu, Smith Jean-Baptiste
has recently released his book ‘My Musical Journey and Les
Shleu-Shleu’ on Amazon. An album that demonstrates his
powerful percussion perfectly is this one from 1974.
Thank you Jean-Luc. Get it and spread it ..

goeiemorgen, Ik kreeg zojuist bericht van Jean-Luc dat de drummer
van de Original Shleu-Shleu enkele dagen geleden zijn boek ‘My Musical
Journey and Les Shleu-Shleu’ heeft uitgebracht via Amazon. En album
dat zijn krachtige drumwerk prachtig demonstreert is deze uit 1974.
Dank je Jean-Luc. Slurp binnen, luister en geef weer door ..

Smith Jean-Baptiste, Discogs

All Shleu-Shleu albums

01 – En filant les aiguilles
02 – Bon gratteur
03 – Danse shleu-shleu
04 – Chante tristesse’ou
05 – Saison fête
06 – Compas S
07 – Reste avec moi
08 – Ti jeune homme


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  1. Anonymous 3 February 2022 at 05:46 - Reply

    Looking forward to drumming along with this one as I enjoy yet another mid 70s bit of nostalgia. Cheers Moos

  2. Jean-Luc 4 February 2022 at 19:25 - Reply

    On “nl” there is only the Kindle version. On “de” or “com” there is a hardcover book. I got the last copy from first edition.

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