May 5, 2022

14th Anniversary Post
Ndokwa Nº 1, Highlife King
General Franco Lee Ezute and his Harmony Kings Int. Band
Late Egwuenu Osonye
EM Records 1994

Today we celebrate our fourteenth anniversary with you and
an album by Franco lee Ezute and his Harmony Kings Int. Band.
My choice was inspired by Jillem’s post at HTD yesterday. A few
links point to other records. On side one of this elpee we sadly
find some nasty pops, a shame, but I still wanted to post it, such
nice music. This album from 1994 must be one of (if not) his latest
records, age 55 years. Franco Lee Ezute only became 64. Quite
a lot of information about him on Bandcamp. Enjoy listening ..

Vandaag vieren we de 14de verjaardag van de Global Groove met
jou en met deze plaat van Franco Lee Ezute and his Harmony Kings
Int. Band. De keuze is geïnspireerd door Jillem’s post op HTD gis-
teren. Enkele links wijzen je naar andere platen. Op de eerste kant
van dit album vinden we helaas een paar hinderlijke ‘pops’, ik wilde
hem toch posten, zulke fijne muziek. Deze plaat uit 1994 is een van
(zoniet) z’n laatste, op 55 jarige leeftijd. Hij werd slechts 64. Aardig
wat info over Franco Lee vinden we op Bandcamp, luister ..


Odeze 1990
Egwo Ogwu vol. 8 1983

01 – Late Egwuenu Osonye
02 – Caro-caro
03 – Kene-onye-nwe-uwa


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  1. Pete 5 May 2022 at 08:32 - Reply

    Happy birthday … and thanks for sharing. All the best, Pete

  2. Bonnie 5 May 2022 at 08:34 - Reply

    Happy anniversary mate. Thanks for all the beautiful tunes. With love from Australia

  3. ians 5 May 2022 at 11:13 - Reply

    Thank you for 14 years of sharing and caring.

  4. Chisom okolie 5 May 2022 at 12:25 - Reply

    Thank you for posting General Franco Lee ezute Album hope to see you post more Great Highlife Album

  5. Chisom okolie 5 May 2022 at 12:26 - Reply

    Please Sir can you Put and post a Ghana Album by The Professional band of Ghana

  6. christophe 5 May 2022 at 16:26 - Reply

    Thanks a lot Moos. Great discover for me. I love this style that is close of Etsakor in my opinion. I’ve grab all I could on the Global groovers and on Jillem’s Tunnel Dive! Waooh !
    By the way happy birthday to you and I will never stop to say how important is your work, and how great spirit it is to do it for free and to let in their sad hate or jealousy all the bad guys around !
    Hope to see you one day in Utrecht (where I have friends), drinking beer, smoking weed.

  7. Sjef 5 May 2022 at 23:08 - Reply

    Congrats Moos, and thanks for all your efforts running this blog. It has brought me so much joy over the years!!!

    Love from Haarlem,


  8. Anonymous 6 May 2022 at 08:36 - Reply

    Happy Birthday! Thanks for all the fantastic music over the years that have made me and so many other people Happy. GG,a force of good in the world. Also that was an alarming time over at Holland Tunnel Drive. What was going on?

    • Moos 6 May 2022 at 20:25 - Reply

      I haven’t found out yet.
      Was hoping for an answer from Jillem.

  9. Ian 7 May 2022 at 18:48 - Reply

    Bonne anniversaire. Thanks for everything.

  10. Geoff 8 May 2022 at 01:43 - Reply

    Thank you so much for your hard work and community-minded approach. I’ve only been with you for a couple years but you’ve been a constant companion since. Thanks again!

  11. Charlie 9 May 2022 at 00:01 - Reply

    Happy Anniversary to you, and to us!
    Thanks for 14 great years of wonderful music.

  12. Steven 11 May 2022 at 18:03 - Reply

    Happy Anniversary Moos.
    Words fail to express my appreciation for all you have done over the years.
    Looking forward to the next 14!

  13. Anonymous 11 May 2022 at 18:52 - Reply

    Thanks for your hard work, dedication, passion, and unselfishness. As a collector, i know that this is an expensive endeavor.


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