June 6, 2022

African Brothers Band International
led by Nana Ampadu I
Obiara Ba Nnyé
Afribros 1985

Yesterday I visited a quite small record market here in the
Netherlands. It really wasn’t much for me. Some 50 stand-
holders displayed their Stones, led Zeppelin and all of those
groups we see so often on fairs. Only one or two had a few
African records. Man how lucky can one be, I found this
awesome album with Nana Ampadu I and his African
Brothers Band International for only € 15,-. It is from
1985 and a true killer. Don’t miss it, listen ..

Gisteren heb ik een kleine platenmarkt bezocht in Utrecht.
Het was niet bijster interessant hoor. Iets van 50 standhou-
ders met hun eeuwige Stones, Led Zeppelin en andere lp’s
van groepen die we zoveel zien op dit soort marktjes. Éen
of twee hadden een paar Afrikaanse platen. Maar wat
schetste mijn verbazing, tussen die paar plaatjes vond
ik deze parel met Nana Ampadu I en zijn African
Brothers Band International uit 1985. Hij kostte
slechts € 15,- en is een top album. Luister ..

Nana Ampadu, Wikipedia

All African Brothers posts

01 – Obiara ba nnyé
02 – Obi benya wo
03 – Kyere nea wo beda
04 – Odo asaawa
05 – Damfo adu


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  1. C.K. Yankson 6 June 2022 at 09:28 - Reply

    A classic from 1985 from the late great Nana Kwame Ampadu. Many thanks for another Ghanaian classic, from the late great legend.

  2. Bonnie 6 June 2022 at 12:18 - Reply

    some amazing highlife mate, thank you!

  3. Steven 6 June 2022 at 14:24 - Reply

    never enough Ampadu! thanks Moos

  4. Charlie 6 June 2022 at 17:04 - Reply

    Thanks for the new highlife, fresh from the market!

  5. Anonymous 6 June 2022 at 19:27 - Reply

    African Brothers Band International make things lucky for us all, thanks for sharing!

  6. Kwabena Boakye 7 June 2022 at 15:53 - Reply

    Awesome highlife from the late great Nana Ampadu and his African Brothers Band. Just what I need for this beautiful summer. Thanks for this and more!

  7. E 9 June 2022 at 06:22 - Reply

    Quite a nice discovery Moos! I am getting a contact buzz from your glee at finding this hidden treasure. As always the late great Nana Ampadu sure to inspire. Medawase monsieur

  8. Good To Go... 10 June 2022 at 05:01 - Reply

    This is a good one, for sure. Thanks!

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