June 5, 2022

Los Kenya – Estamos en Todo
leader Ray Perez, vocals Perucho Torcat
Discomoda 1970

Ray Perez and Perucho Torcat reased this album with
Los Kenya in 1970. Later in 1973 they brought it out again
under their own names, called ‘They Do It’. I have received
this file through a friend of the Global Groove. If you play it,
the image of the later release appears. One way or the other,
this is sweet salsa from the early seventies, listen ..

Ray perez en Perucho Torcat brachten in 1970 dit album uit
met Los Kenya. Drie jaar later deden ze dat nog eens onder
hun eigen namen, toen als ‘They Do It’. Ik heb deze gekregen
van een vriend van de Global Groove. Als je hem afspeelt ver-
schijnt de cover van de latere uitgave. Hoe dan ook, dit is
fijne salsa uit de vroege jaren zeventig, luister ..

Los Kenya, Discogs
Ray perez, Discogs

01 – Feliz cumoleaños
02 – Echatelo al hombro
03 – Reproche
04 – Palo bonito
05 – merengues venezolanos
06 – Lengua de hacha
07 – Lo que el abuelo cantaba
08 – Muchacho loco
09 – Rompelo
10 – Son montuno


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  1. Kurt Sörensen 5 June 2022 at 10:53 - Reply

    “File not found” ???

  2. Sam 10 June 2022 at 23:51 - Reply

    Moos, Thanks for this great Venny salsa! This band has real swing. I lived in Caracas in ’79, and back then, they were mostly NY salsa followers (although they had the great home-grown Sonero Clasico del Caribe to enjoy, as well). Seems like the local scene came alive in the ’80s.



  3. Jean Pierre 19 July 2022 at 15:08 - Reply

    Many Thanks for those GEMS !

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