July 16, 2022

Nemours Jean-Baptiste
5 Titres d’Or Vol. 3
Mini All Stars, Pure Gold
Mini Records 1981

Compas direct was initially created by Nemours
Jean-Baptiste. Later there was a dispute with his
former band mate Webert Sicot about it. The two
rivals took lyrical jabs at each other through their
songs and at one point fought it out in a soccer
match between their bands. It ended in a 1-1 tie.


Inspiration 1967
Ti Carole 1966
Gaçon Nan Ka 1973
Grand Orchestre de Nemours Jn.Bptst 1976

01 – Sainte cecile
02 – Infidelité
03 – La joie de vivre
04 – Flagrant delit
05 – Trois dangers


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