July 30, 2022

Taraf de Haïdouks
Honourable Brigands, Magic Horses and Evil Eye
Cramworld 1994

click on it

Good morning, let us go and listen to something really special.
Ever since I first heard the cd ‘Suburban Bucharest’ I am in love
with this type of music. We had some ‘Lautari’ albums in the
past, but until now no Taraf de Haïdouks. These Roumanian
gypsies play so marvelous, the music explodes of pure
emotion. If you’ve never listened to them I strongly
rsuggest you to do so ..

Goeiemorgen, laten we vandaag eens luisteren naar iets heel
speciaals. Vanaf het moment dat ik de cd ‘Suburban Bucharest’
hoorde was ik volledig verkocht en dol op deze stijl muziek. We
hadden al enkele ‘Lautari’ platen, maar tot nu toe niets met
Taraf de Haïdouks. Deze Roemeense zigeuners spelen zo
prachtig, hun muziek puit uit van pure emotie. Als je hier
nog niet eerder naar luisterde raad ik je sterk aan
dit nu eens te doen ..


All Lautari posts

01 – Spune, Spune, Moș Bătrîn…
02 – Hora Din Carnaval
03 – Azi Eram Frumoasă, Jună…
04 – Țigănească
05 – Cînd Eram La ’48
06 – Geamparale
07 – Cîntec De Dragoste Și Joc
08 – Doina Și Cîntec
09 – Jalea Țiganilor
10 – Turcească
11 – Balada Lui Corbea
12 – Sîrba
13 – De Ma Deie But Te Pau
14 – Brîu
15 – Duba, Duba… Și Hora
16 – Leliță Cîrciumăreasă


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  1. sulingman 30 July 2022 at 17:34 - Reply

    Thanks for this! Now I am trying to remember what old black and white movie I saw recently that had a club scene with a combo playing a Doina. That sharp little flute riff wiped all memory or whatever movie stars or story was in that movie, but I remember the excellent choice of spotlighting that little Roma combo in that smoky cafe… Thanks again!

  2. E 31 July 2022 at 05:39 - Reply

    Love these guys. Pure unadulterated fun. Think it’s time to watch latcho drom again. Cheers Moos

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