August 3, 2022

Kayode Fashola and the Music Makers
Sounds of Music vol. 3
Take Your Choice Records 1976

It is a challenge, finding rare African records. Every once in
a while we’ve got record fairs somewhere in the Netherlands.
Since vinyl is gaining in popularity the last years it doesn’t get
easier. Lots of fairs and lesser quality in supply is what we see.
Fortunately on a few of the better fairs I get to meet with some
guys from France who bring awesome and hard to find stuff.
Take a look at this Yoruba juju album with Kayode Fashola
& his Music Makers. It is their first appearance here at the
Global Groove. Quite different style
than what we’ve heard so far ..

Om zeldzame Afikaanse platen te vinden is een steeds grotere
uitdaging. We zien alsmaar meer platenmarkten en beurzen
de laatste jaren, vinyl is weer populair geworden. Helaas komt
dit het aanbod niet ten goede, het wordt er niet makkelijker
op om iets knaps te vinden. Gelukkig ontmoet ik op de betere
beurzen altijd een paar jongens uit Frankrijk die het betere
en moeilijk te vinden spul meebrengen. Neem deze Yoruba
juju plaat met Kayode Fashola en zijn Music Makers. Het is
hun eerste hier, tamelijk andere stijl dan we tot
nu toe gehoord hebben ..


01 – Ranti omo eni ti iwo ise
—- Ki lo gboju le
—- Adigun obasolape eso
02 – Ikawo o laso
—- Iroko ni baba igi
—- Aderemi abass eso


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  1. Anonymous 3 August 2022 at 11:10 - Reply

    Thank you for posting good music from Nigeria, you are an inspiration to me and I appreciate you

  2. sulingman 3 August 2022 at 21:29 - Reply

    Nice change of pace juju, thanks!

  3. E 4 August 2022 at 06:12 - Reply

    Can hardly wait to hear the first two volumes if they ever pass by the groove. Always nice to hear something new and you present us lucky listeners with so much great music. Truly marvelous

  4. Anonymous 4 August 2022 at 06:40 - Reply

    Hi Moos,

    I love the design and images of many of these Nigerian album covers. Moos, have you thought about creating a site, or publishing a book with your favorite African album art?



  5. Anonymous 4 August 2022 at 12:58 - Reply

    Another one new to me. Nice mellow 1976 sound, good quality. Thanks again and for the info links.

  6. Christophe 6 August 2022 at 13:52 - Reply

    Very nice indeed. Thanks a lot Moos.

  7. Robert 14 July 2023 at 23:27 - Reply

    Indeed, thanks for a unique juju record. The spare instrumentation allows the percussion to dominate, the guitar at first is percussion, and then the somewhat strident singing drops into the mix. Choice!

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