September 3, 2022

Prince Buster Record Shack Presents
The Original Golden Oldies vol. 1
Prince Buster Record Shack PB 9

Good morning, you may have noticed low activity, time
has been limited the past few weeks. Let’s say it is holiday
season and other things had priority. Let’s see ..

This is an old prince Buster album on which no info was
available easily. The sleeve and label only speak of ten songs
while in fact the record counts twelve. Luckily nowadays we
have the tools to find the correct titles. This elpee contains
the song ‘Madness’ where the Brittish group took its name
from. Further we find only golden oldies as the title already
suggests. Lovely ska songs you can’t afford to miss ..

Goeiemorgen, het was je vast al opgevallen dat er de laatste
weken niet zo veel activiteit is, zomervakantie tijd zullen we
maar zeggen, andere dingen kregen voorrang ..

Vandaag hebben we deze plaat met Prince Buster waarover
niet direct veel te vinden was. De hoes en het label spreken
slechts over tien nummers terwijl de plaat er toch echt twaalf
telt. Gelukkig beschikken we tegenwoordig over de middelen
de correcte titels te vinden. Dit album bevat de song ‘Madness’
waar de Engelse groep z’n naam aan ontleende. Verder vinden
we alleen golden oldies zoals de titel al doet vermoeden ..


Fabulous Greatest Hits 1968
Tagrijn Reünie, De Hits Van Vroeger 2013

01 – Black head chine man
02 – They got to come
03 – Time longer than rope
04 – Tongue will tell
05 – Madness
06 – Praise without raise
07 – Wash wash
08 – Enjoy yourself
09 – Believe kill and cure
10 – Danny dame & lorraine
11 – Over & over
12 – Creation


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  1. anon 3 September 2022 at 12:44 - Reply

    Thanks as always! Prince Buster albums are way harder to find than they should be.

    He’s really pushed the boat out in this era (early 60s) and helped catapult Jamaican music into the future it had in the decades to come – both as a singer and producer.

  2. […] Original Golden Oldies Fabulous Greatest Hits 1968 […]

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