January 19, 2023

Meridional des Cayes
La Fine Fleur des Cayes
Ibo Records 1972

Good morning, on the Ibo label from Haïti we find this 1972
record with Meridional des Cayes. Laid back compas for lovers
of the genre, I am one of them. Sitting at home with covid this
is a nice type of music to relax with. It helps the slow recovery.
Hopefully you have better reasons for listening ..

Goeiemorgen, op het Haïtiaanse Ibo label vinden we deze plaat
uit 1972 met Meridional des Cayes. Lekker ontspannen sound
voor de liefhebbers waaronder deze jongen. Thuis zittend met
covid, voor de tweede keer, is dit ideale relax muziek. Het helpt
het rustige herstel. Hopelijk heb jij een
betere reden om te luisteren ..


Emotion 1982
Manman Zô 1972

01 – Pitié pou fem
02 – Joyeux anniversaire
03 – Pale mal
04 – Ingratitude
05 – Pichou & chachou


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  1. Robert 19 January 2023 at 19:32 - Reply

    Oh, shoot, Moos. Get well soon!!!! Thanks, as always, compa.

  2. Nick Beddow 20 January 2023 at 09:11 - Reply

    Hope you’re resting well and finding a bit of comfort from music. Take care Moos!!

  3. Anonymous 20 January 2023 at 20:27 - Reply

    So sorry to hear you caught it. Get well soon, Moos!

  4. Bonnie 21 January 2023 at 07:05 - Reply

    Get well soon!

  5. Nick Beddow 21 January 2023 at 09:26 - Reply

    Hope you’re feeling better soon, Moos!!

    • Moos 22 January 2023 at 09:23 - Reply

      I’m already feeling much better Nick,
      thank you and also Bonnie, Robert and Anonymous ..

  6. Hugh 28 January 2023 at 19:16 - Reply

    Thank you. I hope you are fully recovered as I type this!

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