April 2, 2023

Ashanti Brothers Band
Wo Yonko Da Ne Wo Da
Philips 1976

We had two great albums with the Ashanti Brothers so far.
I remember wanting to post this album when Jillem beat
me to it. Hey, that’s how blogging goes. Out of respect for
HTD I didn’t post it then. Over time we did share quite some
albums nevertheless. Below Jillem’s liner notes in the file.

Originating from the capital of the Ashanti region, Kumasi,
this beautiful debut features Osei Kwame Vasco on lead
vocals and Osei Kofi on lead guitar. this group is a prime
example of the richness that highlife music can embody –
not to mention one of the dopest-looking ensembles to
ever to grace an album cover – and this first outing of theirs
is flawess from beginning to end. definitely check out the
medley that kicks off side two for further proof.
the group went on to produced a series of full-lengths and
singles, most notably their 1978 ‘Kill Me and Fly’.”

Tot nu toe hadden we twee albums met de Ashanti brothers.
Op het moment dat ik deze plaat wilde posten was Jillem me
net voor. Tja dat gebeurt met bloggen. Door de jaren hebben
we best veel platen gedeeld, uit respect heb ik dat met deze
toen niet gedaan. Hierboven Jillem’s liner notes uit de file ..


led by Osei K. Vasco 1983
Kill Me and Fly 1978
Best of the West Part One 2014

01 – Wo yonko da ne wo da
02 – Okwaadwe foo
03 – Mo ma yenye odo
04 – Love
05 – Medley
—- Ope yedi no odo
—- Opon kokooko
—-Gyina Nkwanta hwehwe me dear anoma a oreko
—- Kaa bi reba
06 – M’anu meho


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  1. Kwabena Boakye 3 April 2023 at 15:05 - Reply

    Thank you for this wonderful post which brings back very nostalgic memories

  2. Edwin Osae Jr. 4 April 2023 at 03:01 - Reply

    This and the Kill Me and Fly have always been my two favorite albums by the late Osei Vasco and The Ashanti Brothers. Thank you for posting this classic and hope to see more Ghanaian Highlife albums on here.

  3. E 5 April 2023 at 05:56 - Reply

    Another treat for the senses. Greatly appreciated. Classic Ghanaian highlife is hard to beat.

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