April 16, 2023

Soul Brothers
Masterpiece 1979

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The Soul Brothers scored quite some golden records
in their first few years in South Africa. The people
loved them. Then, in january 1979 a tragic car accident
took the lives of two members. ( album liner notes, Wiki
speaks of three deaths ) Nobody thought the group would
survive, but with the two substitutes this was their first
album which proved everybody wrong. As long as they
stick to their Mbaqanga and don’t play Western music,
this is a solid Zulu Jive band ..

The Soul Brothers scoorden een rijtje gouden platen
tijdens hun eerste jaren in Zuid Afrika. Hel volk was dol
op ze. Toen gebeurde er in 1979 een tragisch auto ongeluk
waarin twee van de leden omkwamen. ( volgens de hoes van
deze plaat, Wiki spreekt van drie doden ) Iedereen dacht dat
hun jaren geteld waren, maar met twee nieuwe leden was
dit hun ‘come back’ lp die het tegendeel bewees. Zolang
Soul Brothers Mbaqanga blijven spelen en geen uitstapjes
maken naar Westerse muziek, naar mijn
mening een solide Zulu Jive band ..


Jive Explosion & Isecelo 1988

01 – Kulukhuni ukuba yindoda
02 – Asenzi ngalutho
03 – Yini ejabulisa umuntu
04 – Ngakutshela
05 – Baba ka sibongile
06 – Uyuzisola
07 – Ungizondelinto yami
08 – Mamaka vusi
09 – Nina wezingane
10 – Ngeke silibale


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  1. sulingman 16 April 2023 at 17:16 - Reply

    File not found

  2. Max 17 April 2023 at 02:44 - Reply

    File not found

  3. E 17 April 2023 at 05:59 - Reply

    I can attest to those African roads being very treacherous with some questionable driving habits, vehicles with serious mechanical issues on infrastructurally challenged pistes! Oh but what fun! Sadly too many lives are lost due to auto accidents and many musicians have succumbed to this fate as they tour from gig to gig. The Soul Brothers put out a lot of grooving upbeat exciting music and it’s always nice to hear them lay it down with their trademark sound. Thanks Moos

  4. E 17 April 2023 at 06:01 - Reply

    File not found when I tried to download.

  5. Moos 17 April 2023 at 07:06 - Reply

    Yep, my mistake,
    it should be working from now ..

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