January 17, 2024

Terry Reid
Atlantic SD 7259, 1973

I’m got stuck in playing old records, records that I used to
play when I was way younger. Today I rediscovered this 1973
album with Terry Reid. Espcially the title song was one of my
favourites. Today it’s being shared with you good people. I’m
not sure if you like it, for me it’s going back in time ..

Ik ben een beetje blijven hangen in het draaien van oude
platen, platen die ik vroeger veel luisterde. Vandaag her-
ontdekte ik ‘m, dit album met Terry Reid. Vooral de titel song
was een van m’n favorieten. Nu komt ie jouw kant op, weet
niet of het je smaakt, maar voor mij is het terug in de tijd ..


01 – Dean
02 – Avenue
03 – Things to try
04 – Live life
05 – River
06 – Dream
07 – Milestones


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  1. sulingman 18 January 2024 at 23:34 - Reply

    Thanks for this! Not at all familiar with this recording artist.

    • Moos 19 January 2024 at 07:37 - Reply

      ..always good to hear something
      new, hope you dig it..

  2. David 26 January 2024 at 19:14 - Reply

    Ive a list in my head of albums that should have been great but somehow slipped between the cracks of listeners and reviewers. Rivers always been on it. Ive owned Terry Reids two earlier albums but despite his great voice (he refused the job in Led Zeppelin but recommended Robert Plant in his place) but there really rather derivative. Here, he found his style.
    I remember way back when Reid was interviewed about his forthcoming album & he discussed having a Brazilian groove on one of the songs. That’s the one you highlight Moos. It’s great isn’t it.
    Saw him about 10 years ago at Ronnie Scotts in London. Unfortunately he was very worse for wear and it was a terrible gig.

    • Moos 28 January 2024 at 08:26 - Reply

      Nice to hear your story about Terry David,
      I’ve always cherished this album, it’s timeless ..

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