Martin ‘Mandingo’ Williams
Afrikan History
Ayo Music / Jet Star / Rough Trade 1983
In 1983 Rough Trade came with this album by Martin
‘Mandingo’ Williams. For all reggae / dub lovers this is
an absolute must have. Not much is to be found on
Martin. The line-up though is quite spectacular here.
(see back sleeve in file)
‘Afrikan History’ is loaded with weird and special sound
effects, from bleeping synths to explosions and bird
sounds. Surprisingly good dub from beginning to end ..
In 1983 kwam Rough Trade met deze plaat van Martin
‘Mandingo’ Williams. Voor alle reggae / dub liefhebbers
een absolute ‘must have’. Ik kan over Martin Williams
niet veel vinden. Wel durf ik zeggen dat de line-up op
dit album tamelijk spectaculair is. (zie achterkant hoes
in de file) ‘Afrikan History’ barst van de meest freaky
geluidseffecten, van bliepende synthesizers tot explosies
en vogel geluiden. Verrassend goede dub van begin tot eind ..
01 – Shaka
02 – Nana
03 – Malcolm X
04 – Chancellor williams
05 – Akhenaton
06 – Marcus garvey
07 – Nehanda
08 – Sobukwe
09 – Dessalines
10 – Imhotep
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Brilliant – thank you
FYI, I keep getting “This page isn’t working” I tried a couple different browsers.
That is very strange Sulingman,
from here everything works.
I have heard no other complaints ..