Samba Creole
Caporal : Pas Dis Ça !
Marc’s Record 1973
Some Haïtian compas for you today. Discogs only knows three
of their albums. We had one over six years ago which had no
year of release. This one is from 1973 and there’s another
listed from 1974. Although the band is called Samba Creole,
the music has nothing to do with samba as we know it from
Brazil. Just sweet compas, enjoy listening ..
Wat Haïtiaanse compas voor je vandaag. Discogs kent slechts
drie van hun albums. We hadden er ruim zes jaar geleden
eentje zonder jaar van uitgave. Deze is uit 1973 en er is er
nog een uit 1974. Hoewel de band Samba Creole heet, heeft
de muziek niets te maken met samba zoals we dit kennen uit
Brazilië. Gewoon fijne compas, veel luisterplezier ..
01 – Caporal: pas dis ça !
02 – Michou
03 – Souvenir
04 – Jamais dodo
05 – Principe pa nou
06 – Ti paul
07 – Chance et malheur
08 – Ti machande
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I’ve been enjoying this great little record for many decades now, albeit in low quality mp3 [128 kbps]. I cannot thank you enough for this share. Needless to say, I’ll be enjoying it a lot more with this upgraded version.
.. nice ..
I think it is from 1973. In 1978 there was no guitar band anymore. All mini jazz bands added keys and a horn section in 1976/77 and became full band.
I follow Discogs on this one, they clearly state 1978 ..
Hello Moos, thanks. Yeah, no problem (somebody added it on Discogs). It is the first Samba Creole album. A friend would tell me where the musicians were playing in 1978 instead.
Many years haitians told me ( because it is not said on the sleeves. – Another source is Emmanuel Mirtil’s page (, while some years are also unpossible a friend told me.
I believe you Jean-Luc, I’m sure Haïtians
are the experts on topics like this.
Thank you for the great feedback ..
There was no follow-up band from Samba Creole. Frantz Joseph (all 3 albums) went to Shadox, then Bossa Combo. Mario De Volcy (3rd album) moved to Les Loups Noirs then Bossa Combo.