May 12, 2008

Os Originais do Samba -E preciso cantar, RCA Victor 1973

A fine piece of samba by ‘Os Originais do Samba’,
these guys are atthe peak of there career on this album.
As Justin Thyme says, RCAVictor’s from the early to mid 70’s
just sound perfect, I rest my case.


1 É preciso cantar
2 Casca de côco
3 Saudoso maloca
4 Você esqueceu
5 Frevo do saberé
6 Ultima folia
7 Os sucessos de Erasmo e Roberto Carlos
8 Ao velho poeta Pixinguinha
9 Falador passa mal
10 Mulher
11 Ilusao maior
12 Carnaval


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  1. J Thyme...kind 12 May 2008 at 08:48 - Reply

    Dynaflex baby & only RCA Victor has it…ha ha.
    That’s studio blabber for scientific recording know-how & it must be true about that Dynaflex, because these RCA side are so ULTRA YUMMY.

  2. Anonymous 30 September 2008 at 04:49 - Reply

    Thank you so much!

  3. FileMuncher 27 August 2009 at 12:31 - Reply

    Thanks! I salute you! :0)

  4. woolfnotes 23 October 2012 at 08:28 - Reply

    I have the first fantastic track from this on one of your compilations and wanted to check out the rest of the lp but the link is dead. Any chans of a re-upload?

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