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Categorie archives: Brasil
- Sunday February 9, 2025
Maybe the sound quality of this album is not the very
best, still some of the songs are. On Tapecar Gravações
we find this 1977 collector which contains some nice
sambas from the era. Strictly for samba lovers.De geluids kwalteit laat op deze persing wel iets te wensen
tot mijn spijt. Er staan daarentegen wel wat heel fijne songs
op. Op Tapecar Gravações vinden we deze verzamelaar uit
1977 met enkele onderhoudende samba’s uit die tijd.01 – Beth Carvalho – Alegria
02 – Candeia – Já clareou
03 – Gilson de Souza – Oi
04 – Elza Soares – Rainha dos sete mares
05 – Noite Ilustrada – O carioca
06 – Zé Di – Independéncia ou morte
07 – Elza Soares – Lendas e festas das Yabás
08 – Noite Ilustrada – Volta por cima
09 – Xangô da Mangueira – O pagode levanta a poeira
10 – Djalma Pires – Vou proseguir
11 – Georgette – Festa de santana
12 – Beth Carvalho – PesquisaPosted by Moosat 9:28 AMCategories
- Tuesday November 19, 2024
For lovers of Forró from the North East of Brazil we’ve got
another album with Marinês e sua Gente. On this record
we find 10 forrós and two Carimbós (3&7). Marinês made
a load of records of which some go for big prices on the web.
This is not an expensive one. Marinês’ music is quite popular
in forró circles. Enjoy listening ..Voor de liefhebbers van Forró uit Noord West Brazilië hebben
we vandaag een plaat met Marinês e sua Gente. Op dit album
vinden we 10 forró’s en twee carimbó’s (3&7). Marinês maakte
een vracht platen waarvan er sommige voor enorme prijzen
worden aangeboden online. Dit is niet zo’n raar dure. Hoe dan
ook, haar muziek is tamelijk populair in forrá circels ..Mandacarú 1968
01 – Nordeste valente
02 – Casa de marimbondo
03 – Carimbó de vovó sinhá
04 – Flor de croatá
05 – Sou o estopim
06 – Mundo louvado
07 – No laço do carimbó
08 – Você me machucou
09 – Mestre mundo
10 – Nooso amor está morrendo
11 – Maracá de menino
12 – Como vai passandoPosted by Moosat 12:58 PM - Wednesday October 30, 2024
A well known phenomena in Brazillian music is that artists
tend to cover each other’s songs. Almost without exception
and without scruples. This group is a pure cover band, they
don’t have their own songs but play tunes of others in a
decent way. We had a couple of their records before.
Samba / batucada, nice rhythmic stuff, get & spread ..Een bekend fenomeen in de Braziliaanse muziek is dat artiesten,
bijna zonder uitzondering, elkaars nummers spelen. Zonder enige
scrupule, men vindt dit 100 % acceptabel. Deze groep is een cover
band, ze spelen uitsluitend nummers van anderen, maar doen dit
op een zeer degelijke manier. We hadden al eerder enkele van
hun platen. Samba / batucada, down en deel ..O Couro Come 1974
Mete Bronca Batuqueiro 197201 – Deus tem mais pra dar
02 – Idioma esquisito
03 – É ouro só
04 – Canto pra esquecer
05 – Os meninos da mangueira
06 – O surdo
07 – Pra você é festa (o circo)
08 – Wilma de tal
09 – Exumaré
10 – Mineira
11 – Você não passa de uma mulher
12 – Fechei a porta
—- Implorar
—- Atire a primeira pedra
—- Leva meu samba
—- Ai! que saudade de amelia
—- Fechei a portaPosted by Moosat 11:42 AM - Sunday October 6, 2024
Followers of samba may remember we had a couple of albums
with Genaro and Bebeto di São João back in 2018. Today we
find this record of Bebeto di São João from 1986. It is on CID,
Companhia Industrial de Discos. Bebeto wrote all the songs
together with guys like; Wilsinho Saravá, Zéca Pagodinho
and ZéPaulo among lots of others. Samba/Pagode from
the top shelf. Get it & spread it ..Bezoekers die de samba posts volgen weten misschien nog
dat we in 2018 twee platen hadden met Genaro en Bebeto
di São João. Vandaag dit album met alleen Bebeto di São João.
Op het CID label, Companhia Industrial de Discos. Bebeto
schreef de songs samen met figure als; Wilsinho Saravá,
Zéca Pagodinho en ZéPaulo onder vele anderen.
Samba/Pagode van de bovenste plank ..Partido Alto Nota 10, vol. 4 1983
Partido Alto Nota 10, vol. 5 198401 – A burguesia
02 – Banjo quebrado
03 – Não quero saber de nada
04 – Cara de anjo
05 – a-Mulher do pé grande é macumbeira
_ b-Quem foi que faz meu bem chorar
06 – O paleto
07 – Quem mandou votar no moço
08 – Seu manoel tá ficando milionário
09 – O bíblia
10 – Verdadeiro reiPosted by Moosat 7:53 AM - Sunday July 28, 2024
Due to the fact I’m in the middle of moving house you must
miss the posts on a regular basis momentarily. Once in a while
though I shall give a sign of life. Today for instance I want to
post this awesome samba album with Alcione from 1975.
Alcione’s voice is one of the strongest in the field. We had a
couple of her records already and this one ads yet another
to her discography here at the Global Groove,
enjoy listening ..Wegens verhuizing zit ik momenteel even in de dozen en vind
weinig tijd om te posten. Het is een tijdje niet anders. Zo af en
toe geef ik echter nog wel een teken van leven. Vandaag wil
ik je dit album met Alcione laten horen. Haar stem is een van
de krachtigste die ik ken. We hadden al enkele van haar platen
eerder hier op de Global Groove. Deze komt er dus bij ..Alcione Wikipedia
Alcione, DiscographyAlerta Geral 1978
Morte de um Poeta from 1976
Alcione from 1981
Os Grandes Sucessos from 198301 – Historia de pescador
02 – O surdo
03 – Acorda, que u quero ver
04 – Aruandé
05 – Batuque feiticeiro
06 – Espera
07 – Nâo deixe o samba morrer
08 – Etelvina, minha nega
09 – É amor… deixa doer
10 – Todo mundo quer
11 – Até o dia de sâo nunca
12 Samba em paz – A voz do morroPosted by Moosat 6:19 AM - Monday June 17, 2024
While packing my cd’s for storage as well I ripped this
fine album for you. Jovelina Pérola Negra (the black pearl,
nothing to do with Pirates of the Caribbean) was known by
her deep and powerful voice. Her samba, pagode was rewarded
several times. She died way too young at only 54. Jovelina was
quite late in her succes and couldn’t leave her kids the wealth
she wished for. What a voice, so warm and strong ..Terwijl ik m’n cd’s aan het inpakken was om ook te verhuizen
heb ik deze nog even voor je geripped. Jovelina Pérola Negra (de
zwarte parel) was geliefd om haar diepe en krachtige stemgeluid.
Haar samba, pagode viel verschillende keren in de prijzen en terecht.
Wat een warme sterke stem. Jovelina stierf aan een hartaanval op 54
jarige leeftijd, veel te jong. Door haar vrij late succes lukte het haar niet
haar kinderen in luxe achter te laten, iets wat ze graag wilde bereiken ..Roda de Samba 2006
Luz do Repente 1987
Self Titled 198601 – Amigos chegados
02 – Poeta do morro
03 – Não sei se te mereço
04 – Porta na cara
05 – Golpa de azar
06 – Peripécias da vida
07 – Orgulho negro
08 – Santo forte
09 – Basta te ver
10 – Comunhão de bens
11 – Não vou te enganar
12 – Meu viver se transformouPosted by Moosat 12:28 PMCategories
- Tuesday December 19, 2023
Let’s do a test post, this one was posted in the very first
month of the GG back in may 2008. A mix I made for your
samba party. Very danceable bunch of samba’s ..Aquarela do Brasil ( Ary Barroso )
Jair Rodrigues – O Carioca
Bezerra da Silva – Pai Veio
Nei Lopes – Debaixo do meu chapéu
Jair Rodrigues – Pagode em tudo lugar
Bezerra da Silva – Produto do morro
Jair Rodrigues – Nao bota no meu
Bateria, Nota 10 – Sai da frente
Jair Rodrigues – Tira o Cavalo da chuva
Bezerra da Silva – Malandragem dá um tempo
Joel Teixeira – Bilu Bilu pra ela
Bezerra da Silva – Viúva de seisPosted by Moosat 7:54 AM - Sunday November 19, 2023
Today we listen to samba. Conjunto Nosso Samba is
the type of group that exists of musicians that sing
together. No real lead singer among them. They did
accompany some of the greatest singers like, Clara
Nunes, Nelson Cavaquinho, Clementina de Jesus,
João Nogueira and Martinho da Vila to name a few.
This is their first album on the Odeon label. Decent
samba for lovers . Samba tipica Carioca ..We luisteren naar samba vandaag. Conjunto Nosso
Samba is zo’n groep die bestaat uit muzikanten die
samen alles zingen, geen echte lead zanger erbij. Ze
begeleidden echter wel zangers als Clara Nunes,
Nelson Cavaquinho, Clementina de Jesus, João
Nogueira en Martinho da Vila om er een paar te
noemen. Dit is hun eerste album op het Odeon
label. Voor de liefhebber, typische Carioca samba ..one track with Adoniran Barbosa 1980
01 – O ouro e a madeira
02 – Isto é felicidade
03 – Magia africana no brasil e seus misterios
04 – Na cadencia do samba
05 – Arte de viver
06 – Festa do cirio de nazaré
07 – Só podia ser você
08 – Vou prosseguir
09 – Dor da falsidade
10 – Tempo de paz
11 – Tom maiorPosted by Moosat 10:49 AM - Friday October 14, 2022
This album with Nelson Sargento was originally released in 1979.
Today we find the digitized re-release from 1997. Nelson Sargento
used to be part of two legendary groups, Conjunto a Voz do Morro
and Os Cinco Crioulos in the sixties. It took until 1979 for him to
release this album, his first solo project.
Delightful samba from the top shelf ..Dit album komt oorspronkelijk uit 1979, vandaag vinden we deze
heruitgave, gedigitaliseerd en uit 1997. Nelson Sargento maakte
deel uit van de legendarische groepen Conjunto a Voz do Morro
en Os Cinco Crioulos in de jaren zestig. Het duurde echter tot 1979
voordat hij zijn eerste solo album uitbracht, en wel deze.
Samba van de bovenste plank ..A Voz de Morro, Roda de Samba vol. 1
Os Cinco Crioulos
Os Cinco Crioulos, Samba no Duro vol. 201 – Triangulo amoroso
02 – Falso moralista
03 – Agoniza mas não morre
04 – A noite se repete
05 – Muito tempo depois
06 – Minha vez de sorrir
07 – Sonho de um sambista
08 – Infra estrutura
09 – Cântigo a natureza (primavera)
10 – Por deus por favor
11 – Falso amor sincero
12 – Lei do cãoPosted by Moosat 8:46 AMCategories
- Wednesday October 5, 2022
Every once in a while we’ve got us some old and moody
Brazillian music. Today we find José Bispo Clementino
dos Santos, better known as Jamelão. He used to be the
official singer of the famous Mangueira Samba School
from 1949 to 2006. This album contains various samba
styles such as Samba Partido Alto, Samba Canção,
Samba-Médio and Samba de Duda ..Eens in de zoveel tijd hebben we wat oude en stemmige
Braziliaanse muziek. Vandaag valt de beurt aan José Bispo
Clementino dos Santos, beter bekend als Jamelão. Hij was
de officiele zanger van de beroemde Mangueira Samba
School van 1949 tot 2006. Deze plaat bevat verschillende
samba stijlen zoals Samba Partido Alto, Samba Canção,
Samba-Médio and Samba de Duda ..01 – Quem samba fica
02 – Matriz ou filial
03 – Na hora da raiva
04 – O teu fracasso
05 – Dúvida
06 – Estou p’ra dizer adeus
06 – Clareia ahi
08 – Sorriso de maldade
09 – Premeditação
10 – Que gelada
11 – Tenho chorado tanto
12 – Alô quem seráPosted by Moosat 9:48 AMCategories
Various Artists
Tapecar Gravações 1977