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Categorie archives: Franck’s Selection

  • Friday February 12, 2010

    Gardner Lalanne, front, cd size

    The weekend’s here, another cold week with lots of snow lies
    behind us, who said it wasn’t going to be winter like it used to
    anymore? It’s annoying on one hand but good to see on the
    other. Maybe the world is not heating up as much as lots of us
    thought it was. At least right here it isn’t.

    Tonight’s LP is another sweet album of compas, the music of Haïti.
    Gardner Lalanne et les Loups Noirs are true ambassadors of this
    typical style. These guys rock like no other,
    danse avec Gardner Lalanne et les Loups Noirs a New York !


    1 Conception pa’m
    2 Bienfait perdu
    3 Ananas
    4 New York compas
    5 La sirene
    6 Moliendo cafe
    7 Belle Martiniquaise
    8 Tu voz


    Posted by Moos
    at 10:26 PM
  • Friday January 29, 2010

    Les Loups Noirs, front, cd size

    Yesterday I came home from a two day recordtrip to Paris.
    I use to visit one of my favourite recordshops in the Quartier
    Latin. I always meet there with my man Franck who is one
    of a kind when it comes to knowledge of worldmusic.
    He specially helps me out selecting music from his home-
    country Haiti. I don’t listen to Compas very long yet and can
    use a little advise. Do you know this Soundway_Release ?
    A highly recommended album, with great music from the French Antilles.
    The LP I post for you tonight is by Les Loups Noirs, who also
    appear on it. Franck says he helped out Soundway Records too in
    selecting the tunes for this fine album. I had to promise him to
    write in French for this occasion and eventhough it’s been a long
    time since I did, I managed to squeeze out a few lines.

    Cette semaine j’allais a Paris pour acheter des disques 33. Il y
    un ans déja que j’avais été lá. Je toujours vais a la même magasin
    dans le Quartier Latin. Je ne veux pas dire leur nom. Aussi toujours
    je lá rencontre mon ami Franck qui est un connaisseur de la musique
    du monde. Je lui promettais de ecrir en Français, une chose que je
    normalement jamais fais. Alors Franck, mon ami, merci beaucoup,
    tu m’as aidé enorme, a partir de aujourd’hui, j’ apelle toutes
    postes compas, ‘Franck’s Selection’.

    Let’s use this good vibe to think of the people of Haiti.


    1 Rencontre
    2 Chaque jour
    3 Aye Doudou
    4 Lydia
    5 Echec
    6 Bonsoir ma cherie
    7 Demain je t’attends


    Posted by Moos
    at 10:21 PM