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Categorie archives: Pompo
- Friday March 19, 2021
We have seen various albums with the great Aniceto Molina.
This is the first on which he appears with Los Tiburones. I’m
not sure if Pepe Molina and Anastacio Molina are brothers
of Aniceto. Together with Alfredo Varela the three form
Los Tiburones. This fine record contains cumbia, porro,
guacón, tiquita, pompo, chandé, paseo, paseaíto, gaita
and joropo. A variety of styles unique for Colombian
music. Enjoy listening to Los Tiburones ..Door de jaren hebben we al een aardige zwik platen gezien
met accordeonist Aniceto Molina. Dit is de eerste keer dat
hij verschijnt met Los Tiburones. Ik weet niet zeker of Pepe
Molina en Anastacio Molina broers zijn van Aniceto. Samen
met Alfredo Varela vormen de drie Los Tiburones. Dit toffe
album bevat cumbia, porro, guacón, tiquita, pompo, chandé,
paseo, paseaíto, gaita en joropo. Een verscheidenheid
aan stijlen die uniek is voor de muziek uit Colombia.
Luister naar Los Tiburones ..Aniceto Molina, Festival del Vallenato
Aniceto Molina, La Comadre
Aniceto Molina con Lucy La Tabaquera, El Toro Bulero
Aniceto Molina, Mensaje Costeño 1973
Aniceto Molina, A Lo Corralero 1975
Los Ases del Ritmo, Costa Brava
Los Ases del Ritmo, Costa Brava vol. 1
Aniceto Molina at Discogs
Los Tiburones at Discogs01 – Que muera el gavilan
02 – Lamento
03 – La negrita zarambulla
04 – El carrito loco
05 – Tiquita
06 – A la carga
07 – Tranquilo como camilo
08 – Pajarito de la ma
09 – Cariño ajeno
10 – El arrugao
11 – Mira lo que me encontre
12 – Amor en guatapuriPosted by Moosat 9:19 AMCategories
- Thursday February 18, 2021
Pedro Salcedo schreef meer dan 1000 songs in zijn tijd.
Hij was de vader van Willie Salcedo over wie wèl een
pagina op Wikipedia bestaat. Pedro’s composities
werden door veel Colombiaanse bands gespeeld.
Vreemd genoeg is over hem weinig te vinden op
het web. Het beroemde ‘La Pollera Colorá’ was
van zijn hand. Uit welk jaar deze plaat stamt
is onduidelijk. Diverse fijne Tropical
de Colombia. Down en deel.
P.S. La Pollera Colorá en
enkele andere songs
zijn als bonus
bijgevoegd ..Pedro Salcedo wrote over 1000 songs during his career.
He was the father of Willie Salcedo who does have his own
Wikipedia page. Pedro’s compositions were played
by many Colombian artists. Strangely little is to be
found about him on the web. The famous song
‘La Pollera Colorá’ was maybe his greatest
composition. It is not clear from what
year this album is, it contains various
Tropical de Colombia,
get it and spread it.
P.S. La Pollera Colorá
and a few other songs
are added as bonus ..Bailables de Oro
Musica Tropical, vol. 8 1982
Discogs, La Pollera Colora
Pedro Salcedo, Discogs01 – Noche corozalera
02 – Maria fernanda
03 – Navegando
04 – Linda mujer
05 – El gustico cheveron
06 – Omaira
07 – Mi candelaria
08 – Esa boca colora
09 – Anacleto
10 – La amanacedora
11 – Meredith
12 – Pompo de las locasbonus tracks
13 – La pollera colorá
14 – El negro canta
15 – La porra caimanera
16 – Corraleja 71 – La pollera coloráPosted by Moosat 10:24 AMCategories
- Monday October 19, 2020
That ‘Los Corraleros de Majagual’ album of yesterday alone
was already downloaded hundreds of times. I guess it is time
to catch up with some of their older records. I’ve got a bunch
of them waiting, let’s see ..
This one is from 1967 and contains some of their greatest
songs ever. A few of them have appeared here on earlier
occasions but we also find songs that we didn’t have yet.
Tropical de Colombia like Paseaíto, Pompo, Pasaje,
Charanga, Son and Bolero, enjoy listening ..In 1977 the album was re-released. On this re-issue two
songs were replaced. ‘Hay que gozar’ and ‘Mejor que te vayas’
were replaced by ‘Sarita’ and ‘La minifalda’. I have added Sarita
as bonustrack. ( see other picture, also in the file)With Eliseo Herrera, Lisandro Mesa, Julio Erazo,
Calixto Ochoa, César Castro & Tony Zuñiga ..Síguela, Síguela (1967)
Síguela, Síguela (1977)01 – La yerbita
02 – Síguela, síguela
03 – Hace un mes
04 – Ritmo de juventud
05 – El mechón
06 – Estás picao
07 – La burrita de eliseo
08 – Yo no la suelto
09 – El conjunto loco
10 – Hay que gozar
11 – Mejor que te vayas
12 – El arroyitobonus track;
13 – Sarita
Posted by Moosat 6:34 AMCategories
- Tuesday May 28, 2019
Weinig Colombiaanse platen gepost de laatste twee maanden.
Daar gaan we weer eens wat aan doen. Om te beginnen heb ik
hier een verzameling Tropical de Colombia en vallenato in ge-
varieerde stijl. Twaalf songs door vier verschillende artiesten.
Prettige verzameling nummers met veel variatie, pompo, pa-
seaito, paseo, guaracha, cumbia, merengue en gaita. Op het
tropical label waarschijnlijk uit de vroege
jaren zeventig. Luister en deel ..Been posting little Colombian music the past two months, about
time to change the mood a bit in that direction. To start with I
have this cocktail of Tropical de Colombia and vallenato in
various styles. twelve songs by four different artists..Delightful
bunch of songs with lots of variety, pompo, paseaito, paseo,
guaracha, cumbia, merengue and gaita. On the Tropical label,
probably from early seventies, listen and share ..tracks ;
01 – Morgan Blanco y su Conjunto – El ritmo me esta gustando
02 – Jesus Nuncira Machado y su Orquesta – La tupichi
03 – Manuel Villanueva y su Orquesta – Juanita
04 – Los Tiburones – Las nuevas y las viejas
05 – Morgan Blanco y su Conjunto – Los limites
06 – Manuel Villanueva y su Orquesta – Los tambores
07 – Manuel Villanueva y su Orquesta – Maria
08 – Los Tiburones – Tabaco y mompos
09 – Morgan Blanco y su Conjunto – Ojala la escondan
10 – Nuncira machado y su Orquesta – Aprietala
11 – Manuel Villanueva y su Orquesta – Mi calabazo
12 – Morgan Blanco y su Conjunto – El marineroPosted by Moosat 6:04 AMCategories
- Friday January 29, 2016
Om te beginnen, het spijt me zo voor degenen die slechts één
soort muziek kunnen waarderen. Variatie is alles in het leven
en verandering is wat ons op gang houdt, het is onvermijdelijk.To start with, I’m so sorry for those who fancy one kind of music
only, for variety is the spice of life and change is everything
to keep us alive. It is inevitable.Ik heb deze band altijd zeer serieus genomen, zoveel geweldige
artiesten speelden erin. Lisandro meza, Calixto Ochoa, Tony Zuñiga,
Eliseo Herrera, César Castro om er maar een paar te noemen. En dan
komt er zo’n nummer langs met Donald Duck stemmetjes, da’s even
schakelen maar toch, tja, de rest is gewoon weer fantastisch. Het blijft
een wereldband dus zullen we ze die grap maar vergeven. Luister zelf
maar, los Corraleros de majagual kunnen toch niet stuk..I always took this band very serious, so many great artists played in it.
Lisandro meza, Calixto Ochoa, Tony Zuñiga, Eliseo Herrera, César Castro,
just to name a few. And then they appear with such a strange song with
Donald Duck voices in it. That was a moment of doubt, but then, what to
say, the rest of the album is just as fantastic as before so I guess we’ll
excuse them for making a joke. They remain a group of world class.
Listen yourself, los Corraleros de majagual are still marvelous..titels ;
01 – Pompo del pilon
02 – El garrapatero
03 – Tengo tengo
04 – Los tres indiecitos
05 – Nuevo tumbao
06 – marta lucia
07 – La gallina
08 – Cerro verde
09 – Limpiando hebilla
10 – Que regreses ya
11 – El coplero
12 – Pajarillo montañeroPosted by Moosat 12:58 AMCategories
- Friday October 2, 2015
Lately I’m so captured by vallenato that cumbia, gaita and
porro got neclected for a while. Let’s make up for the hiatus
and bring you a collector of coastal songs from the seventies.
It’s a thick slice of vinyl with the old yellow label just the way
we like’m best. This copy concerns a Venezuelan release, it
does not give a year however, if you should know please tell
us too. A variety of styles passes by, give
it a try and get it now..tracks;
01 – Los Corraleros de Majagual – La javillita
02 – Coca y sus Exploradores – Fuego
03 – Los Candelosos – Cumbia jala
04 – Peregoyo y su Combo Vacana – La vaca loca
05 – Pedro Laza y sus Pelayeros – A goza la gaita
06 – Los Golden Boys – Sapo pepon
07 – Los Teenagers – Me lo prohibio el doctor
08 – Los Golden Boys – El pompo de las vocales
09 – Coca y sus Exploradores – Pa bailar
10 – Carlos Martelo y su Orquesta – La lagartija
11 – Julio Erazo y sus Guamaleros – Tana
12 – Calixto Ochoa y su Conjunto – Los sabanalesPosted by Moosat 9:25 AMCategories
- Friday October 31, 2014
What can I say ? You know I’m a lover of this type of
music. I could keep annoying you with superlatives
concerning this album but I really think it’s best if you
listen first and make up your own mind about it. Can
you tell us who you see on the frontsleeve ? I am sure
about two or three myself, how many do you know ?
By the way, this is an original old yellow Fuentes
label on a very thick and heavy slice of vinyl, wow..tracks;
1 Casi nada, Eliseo Herrera
2 Busca tu hueco, Tony Zúñiga
3 Charanga costeña, Calixto Ochoa
4 Baila mi boogaloo, Lisandro Meza
5 La que a ti te gusta, Julio Erazo
6 Compae tomas, instrumental
7 Ritmo de colombia, Manuel Cervantes
8 Pompo manteca, Tony Zúñiga
9 La pintosa, Lisandro Meza
10 Duermete niño, Chico Cervantes
11 Gorrero pechugon, Julio Erazo
12 El espejo del chinito, Calixto OchoaPosted by Moosat 10:22 AMCategories
- Sunday March 31, 2013
Hello and good morning on this Easterday. I think it’s for the first
time we are having us a white Easter. Even with Chrsitmas we
had better weather, it’s cold and snowing on this 31st of march.
Spring just doesn’t realise we’re already entering april tomorrow.Winter or spring, we play tropical music all year round so that
makes no difference. Today I’ll spoil you with some ‘Tropical de
Colombia’. From 1975 on Discos Fuentes de Medellin Colombia
we’ve got this wonderful album by Los Corraleros de Majagual.
This supergroup had relations with the most fantastic artists.
On this album alone we find Lisandro Meza, Eliseo Herrera,
Julio Erazo and Calixto Ochoa to name just a few. But they
also hosted Alfredo Gutierrez, Lucho Argain and Nacho
Paredes among many others. Great vocalists, hot
rhythmsection and horns, better don’t miss..tracks;
1 El vivo y el bobo
2 El pobre pollo
3 El bailador
4 Mosaico
– Mata de caña
– Trigueñita
– La tombola
5 Mosaico
– Spanish flea
– La chichera
6 La burrita
7 Palma de coco
8 Mosaico
– Cartagenera
– La cola del diablo
– El machorrito
– Yo conozco a claudia
9 Pompo del 66
10 Charanga internacionalPosted by Moosat 5:19 PMCategories
- Sunday May 18, 2008
Now THIS is a typical Global Groove post, what do we have here ?
Discos Fuentes is home for many great artists, Anibal Velasquez comes
in with multiple style, Pasebol, Cundé, Guajira Boogaloo ( wow ),
Merengue, Paseaito, and Pompo, can you still follow ? If this sound
doesn’t drop a smile on your face, you should see a doctor ! When
that track #8 came by I was about to spin through the room, The
diversity in rhythminstruments them Colombians use here, the
halfraw voice… D@*#* , I’ll shut up now so you can go and
listen.. Oh, if anyone knows a year on this one , the group
started in ’55, let us know.tracks;
1 Que ojos
2 La caracucha
3 Que se muera
4 Mi barquita
5 La muerte de Anibal
6 Te la vi
7 Palito seco
8 Pobre y viejo
9 Mi suegra
10 La muerte de Bartola
11 La que se fue
12 Mi comadrePosted by Moosat 4:30 PMCategories
Acordeón Aniceto Molina
Son-Art D-184