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Categorie archives: Jump Up

  • Saturday September 20, 2008

    Byron Lee, front, cd size


    I got a few comments on this LP that was posted already some
    time ago at Global Groove. There seemed to be something wrong
    with the quality, so I decided to rip it again to the latest
    standards. Cover scans are also better.

    This is an oldie. From 1967 this is Byron Lee with some very
    happy music. Jump Up is Calypso related and originally not
    from Jamaica. But Byron Lee controlled all Caribbean styles.
    If you need to upgrade your party summerstyle, this one is
    guaranteed 100 % Jump Up !


    1 Riverbank Jump Up
    2 Benwood Dick
    3 El negrito
    4 The road march
    5 Jamaica Jump Up
    6 Happy wanderer
    7 Elaine, Harry and mama
    8 Second hand piano
    9 St. Thomas
    10 Village ram
    11 Surprise merengue
    12 Laziest man


    Posted by Moos
    at 9:08 PM
  • Friday May 30, 2008

    Ever since I found this LP, I was a youngster, I fel in love
    with it’s cover, what a gorgeous drawing by Abigail Maucotel.
    And then that sound, ‘Jump Up’ is Trinidad music, the happiest sound
    you’ve ever heard. This is serious Party material,
    Jump UP !


    1 Riverbank Jump Up
    2 Benwood Dick
    3 El negrito
    4 The road march
    5 Jamaica Jump Up
    6 Happy wanderer
    7 Elaine, Harry and mama
    8 Second hand piano
    9 St. Thomas
    10 Village ram
    11 Surprise merengue
    12 Laziest man


    Posted by Moos
    at 12:29 AM